CK Race Help

Post » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:28 am

So I'm finally working on my first real mod! I'm setting my sights on tweaking the races to, while being lore friendly, be more how I imagine them. I want to alter some of their skills to be more how they were in Morrowind and give them new abilities that, while remain true to their natural talents, remain useful throughout the game.

This is my first time really digging into the CK and while some of what I remember of CS from Oblivion is helping there is a lot I am unfamiliar with.

I've already started with the races starting with the Imperial (my favorite race). From my understanding both NPC and PC draw from the same Race in the CK but calculates differently for their starting H/M/S. How do I go about altering those?

Also I want to make a power that damages stamina but I cant figure out how to make it effect enemies and not myself.

I have more questions to come but will post them when we cross that bridge.

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