I'm making a hyrbid Thief/Mage. I rarely ever like to go with a "cookie cutter class" so I generally make it up as I develop my characters backstory.
My next project will be something along the lines of a cross between Vex, and J'zargo. A sneak thief, and an arrogant mage, but he'll have a surprise up his sleeve.
Reyortsed (write it backwards
) is the name.
Imperial or Khajiit or High Elf will likely be the race. Just because I like nice looking characters. Plus, it's fun walking around as a high elf that's resorted to thieving. "Gimme your gold, or I shove this fireball down your throat. Ra ra!"
His main weapons will be magic, bows, and daggers.
His main magic skills will likely be conjuration and destruction, with a slight leaning in Illusion.
Main skills will be enchanter, just because mucho dinero, sneaking/lockpicking/pickpocketing, (he's a thief, duh) and alchemy. (I'm a poison addict.)
He'll be the moody type, not much for speaking or anything.
He'll obviously be going into the Vampire Lord class from Dawnguard. (Hence the name)