I was given a Xbox 360 kinect module last weekend and hooked it up with the only game I have that uses it, Mass effect 3. I never could have anticipated how awesome voice activation could be. Rather than pause the game and pull up a menu wheel each time I wanted to switch weapons, or order my NPC squad mates to use one of their skills I could just call it out. The lack of pausing kept me immersed in the combat and the combat felt more real because I was calling out real orders like..."James, Frag Grenade"or "Liara, Singularity". To switch weapons I just called it out..."Sniper Rifle" or "Shot Gun" and the weapon switched.
I'll be playing ESO on PC because I can neither afford an Xbox one or patiently handle the loading screens, but I hope they will incorporate a voice activation system for the consoles and hopefully PC eventually.
I know it may seem gimmicky at first, and I would have agreed with that before I tried it out myself, but it was game changing for me in ME3. I think in ESO it could be just as useful. Imagine if every type of pot, food, buff item etc was voice recognizable. Instead of placing consumables all over your UI or digging through bags each time you need an item you could just say.."eat sweet roll", "use scroll of X", "use mana pot". Or lets say you have a bag full of junk and can't find that one item you need, simply say "find Kahlims brain" and see it get highlighted in your bag or moved to the top. This would keep the players in the game more and digging through inventory screens less.
To recap the advantages are.
1) Improved immersion by staying in the game more and staying in your inventory screen less.
2) Keeps UI clear of extraneous hot bars linked to your inventory (I am assuming there will be mods for inventory hot bars?) FYI I had 14 hot bars up all the time in my last MMO.
3) Requires less keybinding, and provides an additional and direct way to interact with items and consumables other than surfing through menu wheels or inventory lists.
4) Find items fast in the middle of a cluttered inventory.
*Note: This would only be for inventory items such as pots, food, and other consumables, not skills)
** They do have voice recognition software for PC gaming but it's based on Key binding.
*** I want this game out sooner rather than later, but I think it is worth looking into down the road.