I should really stop reading the threads in this forum because they are always giving me ideas for new characters and I don’t even have time to play half of the characters I have got going right now. But nevertheless, I do plan on making a new Oblivion character on the Xbox (vanilla) that was inspired by the "pure mage" and "impacts of difficulty" and other threads currently being discussed.
The idea for this character is a “pure mage” of sorts who relies solely on their own magicka and skills, and not on weapons, potions or armor. So, no enchanted weapons or armor, but they are not going to be naked, so enchantments on clothing may be worn. I have plenty of characters who rely on alchemy, so I want to take a pass here because I don’t want to worry about having to gather ingredients with this character. Plus, relying on something external, like ingredients and alchemy apparatus seems out of character.
However, I want this character to be a physically oriented character (sound mind in a sound body) who does not shy away from physical combat, but in fact embraces it. But at the same time embraces a philosophy that does not use weapons since a weapon can be taken away from you, with an understanding that your most potent weapon is your mind.
Part of the reason for making this character is that I have never had a character who had much use for bound weapons or armor. Bound armor interferes with spell efficiency and cannot be enchanted and does not give much protection unless you have high skill in the associated armor skill. Bound weapons can't be enchanted and don't do much physical damage unless you have high skill in the associated weapon skill. So, my warrior types have just used real armor and weapons and my mage types have used shield spells, staves and other schools of magic, in lieu of armor and weapons.
So, part of this is just an experiment in using bound weapons and armor, but I also want to give the character a philosophy that explains why he doesn't just put a uber powerful enchantment on a sword, but instead uses only bound weapons.
I am thinking conjuration as a specialty and make liberal use both summonable creatures and bound weapons and armor. So, for major skills, Obviously I am thinking conjuration and a collection of combat skills like block, blade, blunt, heavy armor, and light armor, to make full use of the variety of bound gear.
Can't decide for the last skill on restoration, alteration or marksman. Bound bow will make marksman useful, but I’d have to carry around a bunch of arrows, which again seem out of character, since this character wants to rely solely on his own skills and magicka. He may need alteration to open locks, since picks would go against his philosophy. And of course, you cannot go wrong with restoration as a major skill, since it is useful for almost any character and it levels slowly.
For race, I am thinking Breton and mage for birthsign, but I have not really settled on anything yet. Not Atronach, that's for sure. Although it is one of my favorites, it would not fit with a character that relies solely on their own magicka and skills.
Anyway, feel free to discuss what you think of the concept and offer any suggestions you may have for flushing out the character.