I am making a quest where the player has to get 7 sigil stones to advance to the next stage of the quest. My script is not working. I have attached the script to a player REF alias in my quest alias's can someone help please? here is the script that does not update the quest stage as I want it to:
Scriptname DaedricSealInvScript extends ReferenceAlias LeveledItem Property Pain Auto LeveledItem Property Suffering Auto LeveledItem Property Fear Auto LeveledItem Property Flesh Auto LeveledItem Property Death Auto LeveledItem Property Bone Auto LeveledItem Property Blood Auto Quest Property POS Auto EVENT onItemAdded(form itemAdded, int itemCount, objectReference itemRef, objectReference sourceRef) If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Pain) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Suffering) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Fear) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Flesh) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Death) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Bone) == 1 If game.getPlayer().getItemCount(Blood) == 1 POS.SetStage (50) Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif EndifEndEvent