Some jobs inevitably go away as technology improves. That doesn't mean there are fewer jobs...that just means that the types of jobs that we need to fill require skill sets that don't line up with the skills of some workers. This is usually corrected over time as younger generations produce more workers with skills that fit the demands of the current market. See: Industrial Revolution.
As far as people becoming less mentally competent as a result of technology use...that also depends on your perspective. At one time people thought that calculators would destroy society's math skills. However, one could argue that the time saved in skipping the arithmetic can be applied toward understanding higher-level mathematics concepts.
At one point in time our digestive systems were better able to tolerate certain bacteria. These systems became weaker when we started cooking meat. Should we stop cooking meat to strengthen those systems again, or are we ok with the fact that we are now a species that's dependent upon cooking technology?
Anyway,, I don't want to shape society. IMO it should evolve organically despite the fact that there are bound to be developments I don't like along the way.