I currently do my modding the "old way" with Wrye Bash 304.3. Of course it works great and can do all that needs to be done. But especially the MO "Profiles" feature for different sets of mods has a lot of six appeal... So I'm just asking for some brief feedback whether users are happy with MO? Does it deliver? Does this directory virtualisation really work ?
Or maybe some people used it, but went back to WB? Because of issues? Performance loss?
Any particular pitfalls to look out for?
I've already started reading the MO Guide and forums on STEP, the Documentation is impressive. Plus MO seems to work together with other indespensable tools like BOSS and WB for the bashed patch... that all sounds great. I'm inclined to make the change. Just wanted to get a feel of how MO is accepted and appreciated, especially by the "old hands" around here.