I am experiencing a very odd glitch on one of my character saves (though not on the other two). She is a Ningheim vampire (though not VL), and every time I travel along the road south of Fort Dunstad, she grows noticeably taller, and an ice-cloud appears around her feet. If she is on horseback, the horse sometimes flies off sideways at advanced speed, and then swings wildly around the area, airborne, and cannot be controlled.
When this 'effect' takes place, a message appears onscreen saying 'was equipped', but not specifying what was equipped. There is no sign of any equipment or spells being equipped, added or active, visibly in the inventory or magic panels, but if she is wearing a cloak when the random spell is 'equipped' on her the cloak is auto-unequipped. It can be put back on, but the effects do not disappear.
I have not continued to play after this happens - I dare not - so I am not entirely sure whether the effects are permanent or not, and I have no idea whether they could relate to any mods I have active. I now just avoid the area, particularly the sharp bend in the road between Dawnstar and Fort Dunstad, which seems to be the 'hot-spot'. I simply wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar...?