In August I'll be going to visit several countries and I'd like to make the most of it. I have books (lonely planets) of all the countries I'll be visiting (list below), but a book will only take you so far.
But, I think locals can tell me much more. That's where you come in! A book might show me the main attractions of a country, but I'd really like to meet the locals, to experience life in another country. An awesome local pub for example, won't be in a book, but a local could tell me. Perhaps a concert, a nice restaurant or just a nice park. Whatever you can think off, I'd like to know!
Countries I'll be visiting:
- Japan
- Australia (Tasmania and New South Wales (Coastline) mostly)
- New Zealand (North Island mostly, unless someone points out something truly amazing)
- Hawaii
- California/Nevada (LA, SF, and LV by car, so I'll be able to move around)
- New York
Love to hear some tips about hidden gems to visit! Ofcourse I know of the Statue of Liberty and that sort of thing, I'd really like the lesser known, but probably more awesome experiences!
Thanks in advance!