I find that weird. Given that I'm somebody who sometimes spends days and days to come up with ''refreshing'' builds. From Robin Hood inspired thieves to all type of Battlemages. But they somehow lost it's charm for me very quickly.
The builds I've had most fun with are pure warriors with simple skillsets. It seems. I'm a bit surprised because I usually dig very deep into builds if I get the chance. But I guess that Skyrim is that game where I prefer the exciting rush of personal confrontations over the sneaky work or the magicks.
They always had the best backstories too. If anything, the only ''other class'' I truly enjoyed was Hrafna, a Necromantic warrior who also used illusion to strike fear into her enemies. But bugs took her out only a small time after remaking her.
I've been wondering, it seems that for me, it's especially a backstory combined with my favourite combat style that makes me enjoy it.