Well, I believe Skyrim, TES in general has something for every player no matter what type of gamer you are. But what do you like about Skyrim the most?
Well, I believe Skyrim, TES in general has something for every player no matter what type of gamer you are. But what do you like about Skyrim the most?
I like exploring, RPing is hard for me so I tend to not do it.
I'm not blaming you good sir. Played it twice myself and considering playing it again. Excellent game indeed.
Immersive adventuring in exciting and very dangerous environments. I needed mods to get the hardcoe experience I wanted though.
Being able to create and roleplay the kind of character I want...I actually needed a mod for this too. ^.=.^
Just exploring and discovering random places.
I love exploring. The vastness of the world. The beauty of the scenery in the distance. And of course roleplaying.
Exploring and hunting in The Rift and Hjaalmarch.
rping and character building primarily.
i'd add a bunch of the others if they were implemented better in the game.
What I like cherish most is the non-linear, open-world nature of the game, which allows me the freedom to roleplay the stories and characters I want to roleplay, the way I want to roleplay them.
I don't want to say graphics but, the details I guess is a better description, the rocky edges on all the mountains best I've seen in a video game so far, the snow cover over all the objects, chests, stairs and furniture in snowy areas and the snow blowing over all the hills and roof tops of buildings outside towns, they really added a lot of great details most developers would ignore. It really makes me feel like I'm there sometimes 0.0
Pity the question wasn't also about the worst thing as well. If it were I'd have to say NPC AI is really lacking. I think it, along with a lot of other things could've been a lot better if the games weren't targeted primarily at the console market, with the PC being a kind of add-on. I know one thing for sure, and that's my 16Gb RAM could've done much, much more with Skyrim if it was allowed to. Oh well, we can only hope that the AI in TES VI is better developed...
Just generally the game world itself, the scope, detail, and the lore are all the most enjoyable aspects for me as they help me immerse myself into the game.
For me, the charm of Skyrim (and TES in general, for that matter) goes far beyond how awesome the game itself is.
No other game has ever drawn me to join a forum to tell everyone what I think they should do for a DLC, or what side of an imaginary war I think is the best. I owe Skyrim for each and every interesting person that I've met on this forum.
Like I said though, the game is awesome too. From the visuals to the gameplay.
I found RP way easier to do than in Oblivion... where the cartoony nature of the game made it so I would always feel compelled to be the same
Artistic style, music, dungeons. I also like the random encounters, they add a lot to my usual TES aimless travels.
Role Playing
-Except you know when something immersive breaks up my RP
-Except you know when I run into dungeons that glitch because they were tied to a major quest
Building a Character
-Except you know, no age slider, and advanced character customization and being able to make my characters younger than a middle aged man who looked like his face got smashed in by a skillet
^Half being funny, half not
As much as I love exploring and roleplay, the lore is what I love the most about TES
I love that I can do what I want, when I want. I don't like someone, I kill him/her. I regret it, I resurrect them.
Skyrim on the PC, might I add. I'd feel limited playing on consoles.
Vampirism. The bulk of my modlist is a testament of the fact.