I found WAY too many old posts when I searched for Poison Resist, so I decided to just add another and vent at the same
time: Why is it that as a Bosmer (50% Poison Resist), wearing the Savior's Hide (supposedly another 100%) - I still constantly
get the "You have been poisoned" messages when hit by Frost Spiders? Effects don't last long, but the message bugs me.
Next is that you cannot Soul Trap the jumping/exploding/albino spiders in Solstheim.
Third is that the wiki article says you can buy the special pickaxe needed to mine Stalhrim in the Skall village - but the three
people there just sit around as if at a campfire (without the burning logs) saying they need to concentrate on the spell. Does
the place come to life only after some other quests are completed?
Fourth is the Rieklings hiding in sealed barrels, that break out when you get near - when my sneaking skill (muffled, of course)
is high enough to walk up close and attempt to pickpocket draugrs. What's up with that? But they are a great source of
Common level souls
Fifth is that the game starts playing music at the MAX volume, and only lowers it after a game is loaded. Aren't audio, graphics
and keyboard/mouse control settings written to some .ini file after changes are made? Shouldn't that get loaded before you are
asked to the select which saved game to load?
Sorry, this has been building up for days and I just had to vent. I would be interested in hearing any explanations, however.