13th of Hearthfire, 3E 433
Here I lay, in an Ayleid ruin surrounded by the dead. Charming. Well this place is as good as any to begin my work. Away from the pestering eyes of the city and my dreadful family, I can now pursue my research in peace. Pathetic fools and their taboo superstitions, to Oblivion with Arkay! I was able to reanimate some of the zombies that I have slain. It was tricky getting them to remain "alive". I admit, I have much to learn, but this looks promising. If only I can find a way to alleviate the smell...
The Ayleids, from what I understand, were Aldmeri. They did not worship the Aedra as the Altmer do. Instead they worshiped the Daedra, and in particular, Meridia Prince of life and Energy. How fitting for a bunch of Slave lords... Meridia is also known for being a staunch opponent to the undead. As such her followers, along with Arkay's Priests, can expect no mercy from me or my Sovereign.
It's true, Ayleid ruins are magnificent. After all these years the traps laid here still work. I was nearly trapped in a gas chamber the other night and early this afternoon I witnessed one of my zombies fall into a spike trap. I admit, it was amusing.
As I pondered about the lost race of Daedra worshipping Mer I found myself thinking about my twin brother, Sanar...
Like the Ayleids, he fancies himself a devout Daedra worshipper. I don't get it. From what I've heard, bargains with the Daedra never favor the mortal follower. And conjuring Lesser Daedra is a risky endeavor. Where as raising the dead, I find it to be more reliable. Not only can I exert complete control over a subject, I also do not have to go through any "cross-realms" or traffic with any of the Princes.
Indeed, I never saw eye to eye with my brother, the only thing we shared in common was our hatred for our parents. I tried to reach out to him, really I did. I was always there for him, but he was never there for me. I could see it in his eyes, he thought I was a weak fool. I don't need him any more than he needed me, good riddance. I hope a daedra devours his soul.
3rd of Frostfall, 3E 433
It has been a few days since I last eaten anything. My food supply has run out and I needed to resupply, so I headed for the Imperial City. Turns out Emperor Uriel Septim VII was assassinated a few days ago. And according to some travelers, the city of Kvatch was sacked by Daedra. Wow, looks like Cyrodiil is on it's way down to Oblivion.
I understand the trauma for people losing their beloved leader, but Daedra attacking a city?! What madness is this? Clearly this is an exaggeration. I paid no heed to the rumor.
On my way back I stumbled upon a group of bandits lurking around the entrance of my "home". I stalked them as they entered. I watched as my minions made quick work of them. I was so proud of my servants. I immediately began to experiment on my fresh "material", I almost forgot to eat!
10th of Frostfall, 3E 433
What has transpired today... I am at a loss of words. It turns out people are not as mad as I thought... While searching for some alchemical ingredients for one of my projects... I... how can I explain? ...Daedra! I encountered the most bizarre thing... The sky turned red! And past the hill I saw what appeared to be a portal to Oblivion! Sheogorath strike me mad! Daedra, pouring out of this portal attacked me on sight. Thankfully I had a small entourage of undead at my side. It was a fierce battle. I was able to repel the Daedra... at least momentarily. I dared not even think of entering the portal. As I prepared to reanimate my fallen minions, more Daedra started emerging from the portal, and I am certain I saw what appeared to be, a Dremora. I have learned about them from my brother and I knew better than to push my luck. I quickly reanimated one of my fallen zombies to serve as a last minute distraction as I ran for my life. I am back home now, safe, and in company of my loyal undead guardians... I thought about my daedra-loving brother... could he have been behind this? I shudder at the thought...
28th of Frostfall, 3E 433
I have accomplished much this month. I can safely say I have quite the entourage of minions. I feel confident in my abilities. Yes. In just one year I have gone from a novice mage to an adept necromancer. Not to mention I survived an encounter with Daedra not too long ago... It is time... I will seek out the Order of the Black Worm. I look now to my Sovereign, Mannimarco King of Worms. I only hope he finds me worthy. I will be leaving most of my reanimated corpses here to guard the place. I am taking my most powerful reanimated Skeleton with me to serve as both a bodyguard and as proof of my abilities. I begin my journey to Echo cave tomorrow. Hopefully no portals to Oblivion get in my way...
1st of Sun's Dusk, 3E 433
I have made it to Echo cave and spoke with the overseer, Bolor Savel. I showed him my skeletal bodyguard and further demonstrated my abilities on some corpses they had lying around. Needless to say, I was accepted into the Order.
22nd of Sun's Dusk, 3E 433
It has been quite a month of vigorous training with some of the best necromancers, I even met an ancient Lich! He wasn't much for talk but he did share some tips with me. There has been talk of Mannimarco visiting us soon.
Word around Cyrodiil is that the "Oblivion Crisis" is progressing. There have been reports of portals emerging all over Tamriel. I find this troubling... Interestingly enough however, Mannimarco apparently wants to wage war on the Mage's Guild. What with the Oblivion Crisis going on, I can see no better time. Archmage Traven brought this upon himself. How dare he and all the other cowards ban that which they don't understand. There is wisdom to be gained in this "Dark Art"! If used properly, I truly believe the Dark Arts can help people! The talk of necromancy being immoral is purely subjective. It can be used to benefit the people. I will prove this in time.
7th of Evening Star, 3E 433
Mannimarco has arrived! He wasn't exactly as I had expected... He looked... "mortal". I did not ask, out of respect, and perhaps some fear. I presume that he is simply using illusion magic to mask his true form. Perhaps it may be an avatar? I dare not speculate on such a trivial matter. He was impressed with my progress, Bolor himself vouched for me. I have been tasked with summoning and binding Wraiths to be used for an assault on Bruma's Guild office. I explained to the Worm-King that I have virtually no experience with conjuration magic. He comforted me and said that I'm a natural, he could sense it. He put me under the guidance of Camilla lollia. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I look forward to it.
15th of Evening Star, 3E 433
After much experimenting and study... I have successfully summoned a Faded Wraith! Of course it was frenzied and nearly killed Camilla. Needless to say, she wasn't happy about it...
16th of Evening Star, 3E 433
I have managed to both summon and control a simple Ghost. My problem with the Wraith was that I rushed myself. instead of starting small and scaling upward, I did the opposite. Arrogant of me... I merely presumed that controlling a summon was the same as controlling a reanimated corpse, I was mistaken. No matter. I now know how to properly summon this Wraith. Now the next step is binding it to this realm...
19th of Evening Star, 3E 433
Success! I have permanently binded a Wraith, and best of all it was not in a frenzied state. Now Camilla wants me to bind a dozen of them. I am expected to complete this task by the 23rd. I should have at least six binded by tomorrow night.
20th of Evening Star, 3E 433
I was interrupted today... I received a letter... form my brother of all possible people. How the courier even found my location is beyond me. I was standing outside Echo cave for some fresh air when the courier found me.
It's an invitation. My brother is part of a cult called the Mythic Dawn. He wants to give me a second chance, he claims to pity me for being weak. He wants me to join paradise??? I have no idea what this lunatic is talking about, but apparently this cult was responsible for both the Emperor's assassination and the emergence of these Oblivion Gates that are sprouting all over the land. He want's me to pledge myself to Mehrunes Dagon.
I have already pledged my allegiance to our Sovereign, the King of Worms! The Daedra can rot for all I care. Like I am supposed to take my twisted brother's word. He thinks me a helpless fool... He thinks me a child!
24th of Evening Star, 3E 433
Victory! Under Camilla's leadership, the assault on Bruma's Guild hall was a success. My Wraiths completely decimated all the pathetic "mages" in there. Camilla herself slew the Bruma Guildmaster. I was able to kill few of the mages myself with Frost spells. Still, after checking the bodies, I could have sworn one was missing. I recall battling a rather sly Khajiiti mage. He seemed to have vanished though.. I certainly can't find his body, I know for a fact he was not killed. Camilla brushed it off, but I insisted I could sense his presence. She told me stop my nonsense about invisible mages and ordered me to relay news of our victory to Mannimarco. So I went on my way.
25th of Evening Star, 3E 433
This is a complete disaster! I have returned to Echo cave only to find Bolor slain in the front entrance! I proceeded to investigate the rest of the cave and could find no trace of Mannimarco. Was he slain? Did he disappear? I do not know. It is evident that a battle took place hear. There were no survivors. Whoever did this seemed to have slain my fellow Worm Anchorites... single-handedly... Impressive.
4th of Morning Star, 3E 434
It would seem not all was a complete and utter failure, Archmage Traven was killed... but a new Archmage has taken his place... Mannimarco is gone, our order is leaderless. I immediately jumped to the challenge and proclaimed myself, Prince of Worms! Surprisingly, I received no opposition. Perhaps I am more intimidating than I thought... Suffice to say, it is now my solemn responsibility to get our Order back on it's feet. One of the Anchorites suggested I become a Worm Eremite. To pursue the path... of Lichdom. Where so many have either failed utterly, or have become only half a Lich a shadow of their former selves under the mask of immortality... There is wisdom in knowing your limits... I am nowhere near ready to pursue such a road. Perhaps in time however...
16th of First Seed, 3E 434
I am in hiding... I have been in hiding for an entire month. Damn Mage's Guild is relentless. Their constant attacks plus the multiple attempts on my life from my fellow Worm Anchorites! I have abandoned our Order. I have learned enough, I am more than capable of practicing necromancy on my own in seclusion... again. Except this time I actually know what I am doing. An Oblivion Gate has opened near my current "residence"... It is time to test my power. Tonight I will venture into Oblivion itself! I am ready. My minions are ready.
17th of First Seed, 3E 434
Fire... lots of fire, magma, lava, destruction. I have entered the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's realm of Oblivion. It was literally a hellish place, definitely not a place for anyone but the harshest of Daedra. The Dremora were the fiercest enemy I have ever fought period. I could have sworn on multiple times that some of the Dremora were actually casting... soul trap on me... Surely enough when I searched their corpse after banishing them, some of them indeed had empty black soul gems. In my ignorance I have merely assumed that Daedra have no connection to necromancy. I was mistaken. The schools of conjuration and necromancy are like... kin to each other. They are both different while at the same time complimenting each other. I am not quite ready to start summoning Daedra... but I am open to the thought of it. I wonder what my brother is up to...
Also worth marking... I have actually closed the Oblivion Gate that I have entered. At the top of a central tower, guarded by a very powerful Dremora, was a darkish colored... orb? According to some vague responses I heard from the Dremora I battled, I heard him reference: "Sigil Stone". Interesting indeed.
11th of Rain's Hand, 3E 434
Forced into hiding again! Damn guild found me, I was forced to retreat and in the process I lost the sigil stone! I have now taken refuge in county Leyawiin, hopefully the swamps will provide good cover.
1st of Midyear, 3E 434
I have shown that the Dark Arts can be used for the good of the people! An Oblivion gate opened up near Leyawiin. My army of Undead Armored Zombie and Skeletal Warriors engaging the Daedra in front of all citizens of Leyawiin to see. I closed the gate. I offered the sigil stone to one of the city guards and then announced to the citizens: "I am Velacar Worm-Prince, and the mortal dead are at my command! No Daedra shall harm you while my minions walk! Fear not my Dark Magic as I use it to protect us all!" My Undead minions and I then retreated back in the swamps, the city guard did not come after me. I guess they were thankful. Hah!
To any who read this journal, let it be known that I, on that day, proved that the Dark Arts is not evil! It is up to the practitioner to determine if it is evil or not.
13th of Midyear, 3E 434
Rumor has it, the Oblivion Crisis is finally over! Good, maybe now life can return to normal...
13th of Hearthfire, 3E 434
One year... It has been exactly one year since I took residence in that Ayleid ruin and officially began my work in the dark arts... I wonder what happen to that place. If my minions are still there? If so will they even recognize me? Irrelevant now. I have raised quite a number of assorted undead at my disposal.
...It was... strange... meeting my brother in the middle of the Ayleid ruin, Anutwyll. I had just been visiting Bravil for supplies when I noticed the Ayleid ruin known as Anutwyll just outside the city. It was like fate brought us together. We fought for hours it seemed. Our skills were nearly identical. Only difference was that I kept reanimating my Undead minions as they fell, while my Brother just kept summoning Daedra. I was close to winning, I am sure of it. He made a run for it and escaped. Before he ran however, he told me to prepare for one final battle... on the border of Black Marsh. The treacherous swamps should deter any outside interference.
30th of Sun's dusk, 3E 434
It is done... I was victorious. It was quite the battle. As much as I hated my damn brother... he put up a good fight. In fact I'm surprised I even won. He had the upper hand. It's almost as if some divine force altered the course of battle to turn in my favor, within a moments notice.
Whatever, I was victorious and that's done. My Brother's dying wish was that I would promise to let him die and not perform any necromancy on his body. He wanted to go to Paradise which the Mythic Dawn promised him... So be it. I left his body to rot. I feel lost now... I'm not sure what I want to do with myself. I feel lonely...
15th of Rain's Hand, 4E 7
It's been years since I recorded anything in this journal. I guess I just stopped caring, got all caught up in my experiments. I still feel as lonely as ever... I may have born in this wretched place of mankind but I still yearn for my true home, Summerset Isle, home of my brothers and sisters, the Altmer. I long to visit Alinor... I shall make the journey soon.
2nd of Sun's Height, 4E 7
Whoever these Thalmor are... they did not like the fact that I had my own personal royal guard of Skeleton Champions and headless zombies... Vigilant bastards! It's like the entire Valenwood border was on lockdown... I was forced to kill them and now they are on the lookout for a crazy necromancer... I guess I will just stay in Cyrodiil then... Dammit...
I have now up set up a new base for my experiments in the Jerall mountains. I will remain here for the foreseeable future I imagine... by myself. Well maybe not completely by myself, I do have my undead servants to keep me company...
4E 98
I have lost track of time... I'm pretty sure the year is 98 of the 4E... Anyway after not writing in this journal for a hundred years...well I re-discovered this journal. Apparently one of my reanimated headless zombies grew connected with it and carried it everywhere with him as if it had some sentimental value to him... cute... anyway, thought I'd mention that both moons, Masser and Secunda have vanished, literally.
I went for a walk one night to the nearby city of Bruma... and yeah, there is no moons. I asked around Bruma and no one knows what in Oblivion is going on... This is problematic as not only do I rely on the moons for black soul gems... but If I ever decide to pursue the path of Lichdom... well without the moons it would be even more difficult. I'll be sure to record if the Moons ever come back... If I even bother...
4E 100
No matter how many times I've checked, the absence of the moons has completely defied me of any access to my Sovereign's unholy light... This is most troublesome as I have exhausted all of my Black Soul Gems. I have failed multiple times to ascend into Lichdom, one of which knocked me into a 2 month coma. And some of my binded wraiths became a little antsy and started attacking each other. But they just sat there wailing at each other with unenchanted swords... doing no damage to each other... and screeching... So I had to shut them up myself... which then made some of my zombies panic into a frenzy... so I had to keep them from causing too much damage to my other loyal undead... And in all the commotion, a group of well-armed adventurers just so happened to stumble upon my home and joined the action... costing even more of my minions...
Arkay dammit!
4E 100
Masser and Secunda have returned to fill the void of the sky... Don't know how, don't know why...
4E 100
Have finally seen Sovereign's unholy light after 2 years... and I had no Grand soul gems... sigh...
4E 142
Oh look, this journal again... I found it on the same Headless Zombie that found it decades ago! I should make it my steward or something. How convenient...
Well... nothing really worth noting... these past... what was it now? Two decades or so? All filled with multiple failures on my part. I have become obsessed with Lichdom. I... Think I just need to give up...
Just... one more experiment...
22nd of Hearthfire, 4E 142
According to this diary of an unfortunate adventurer that stumbled into my "home" and got ambused by my minions... it is the 22nd of Hearthfire! Not like I'll even keep track of time... I mean, what IS time anyway?
I know what time is... it's a SETBACK! I hate you time! Ticking away at my life. Laughing at me as I grow closer to my death! Denying me my youth! Denying me success! To Oblivion with you Auri-El, err.. Akatosh, or whatever your name is! Die!
4E 144
That's it... I give up on Lichdom. I simply cannot succeed. Perhaps I have become too cautious, but I simply do not have the resolve to pull it off anymore. That last slumber was too much a close-call. Forget it. I'll just focus more on prolonging my life. Just need... another 50 years... and I can die happy... Maybe research the Daedra? No.. maybe not... I don't know...
I still do look rather young all things considered though... I dare say I've aged rather well... Not like it matters...
4E 162
A cute Bosmeri woman was caught trespassing in this ruined fort which I call "home." She is a thief, and was looking for treasure apparently. She managed to sneak past all of my minions and into my main living quarters where I sleep and relax and what-not. I caught her trying to pick open the lock of my chest in which I keep some valuables. I approached her and she started to freak out, surprised that I was able to see her. She was invisible, I believe through a potion. However I was able to detect her life essence with my mysticism. She immediately began begging for her life.
I could have used her for my experiments... I could have also done other things which crossed my mind as I observed her beauty... Gods it's been so long since... I felt a woman's body... I pondered these thoughts in my mind as she yielded and dropped her dagger to the ground, two of my skeletal guardians heard the commotion and entered, weapons drawn. I raised my hand and commanded them to stop.
People say that the Dark Arts corrupt your soul. My soul is not corrupted one bit. Never had I experimented on innocent helpless citizens. Only fighters, rival mages, bandits, armed adventurers, or anyone who has either shown prowess in battle or people whom have displayed evil intentions. This Bosmer could have stolen from innocent people, she could have been a professional thief, she could have been an assassin out for my life. Regardless, she surrendered... I... escorted her out of this wretched place. She thanked me for showing mercy and ran away in the night. I found this encounter interesting enough to record despite not writing in this journal for years. I'm not even sure why I keep this journal around...
Sometimes I wonder... are the teachings of the temple true? Are the Divines forever forgiving? Goodness, I don't even know of my ancestral religion of the Altmer... What do I even follow, but some immortal Lich? A Lich that vanished in the Black Worms greatest need? An entity that has denied me the path to Lichdom!
No... stop it Velacar... just need to focus. Patience... patience... I shall never die... I just need... to take my research slow and moderate. Enough with the arrogance...
4E 174
The Aldmeri Dominion have begun their invasion of the Imperial City...I want absolutely nothing to do with this! Skyrim is not too far from where I am... I'll just look for a nice quiet ruin and continue my experiments there. I have heard stories of Ancient Nordic burial procedures... Apparently the bodies of the dead are well preserved... Interesting, the possibilities...
I have pondered the possibility of fighting for the Aldmeri Dominion. I doubt they would appreciate what I would offer... an army of undead! No, they would go on about the Aedra and blah blah. They sure have no problem using Goblins as slaves though... Hypocritical fools. Yet they would have a moral problem with my necromancy. They are not worthy of my aid. I remember the stories of Tiber Septim razing Alinor to the ground with a giant Dwemeri machine. The Thalmor see Talos as a false God. I don't really care regardless, I have forsaken the divines already. I certainly won't be helping the Empire, men who think that their way of life is supreme... nevermind the fact that we Altmer had a stable government before being forced into the empire! I don't care much for politics anyway. So it's off to Skyrim. The home of the Nords is not my preference but it is close by and seems to be quiet... and it's borders... loose... Thus I deem this the logical place for me to venture to.
Not yet though... Will stay a little longer... see how this war pans out... No rush... I am still safe here, plenty of game here to eat... remote area... neither of the armies will venture through here, I'm sure...
4E 199
I was forced to leave my home. A large group of conjurers attacked. I suspect they have heard of my exploits or something, they seemed really out to get me. I lost all my minions in that battle... including my faithful Headless Zombie whom has no name and keeper of my holy journal... What is wrong with me? Like NOW is the time for humor?
4E 200
Found a new home in this freezing cave. It is... inhospitable at best. I am pretty close to Skyrim though, right on the border I believe... I have no idea what has transpired in Cyrodiil for the past decade. No idea who won the war. Don't care... Need to leave...
I shall make my way tomorrow... Perhaps... I can start anew in Skyrim. Experiment on those savages preferably...