I'm a huge fan of the Dragonborn DLC and I always find fun things to do in Solstheim. But what is your favourite thing to do in Solstheim?
I'm a huge fan of the Dragonborn DLC and I always find fun things to do in Solstheim. But what is your favourite thing to do in Solstheim?
There's nothing enjoyable to do on Solstheim. The Dragonborn main questline is unpleasant, as you have to bow to a Daedra; the land is harsh and full of overpowered creatures and bandits; Neloth is a mage; exploration is very limited, armour are armour, spells are spells etc. The perfect realistic place that gives Skyrim a particular and peculiar feeling and where you don't want to come back.
Too bad you don't see the great potential Solstheim has to offer.
It's not exactly the place where I would spend my holidays!
I enjoy exploring the most. Though having new quests and dungeons is nice also.
I like exploring the island, particularly the ashy areas. I also used to not like going to Apocrypha; used to just want to get out as soon as possible, but I've come to enjoy going there anytime the opportunity comes. Would've been even better if you could explore Apocrypha as a whole non-linear plane, out in the open, but it's still good as is.
The problem with Solstheim is after you do the main questline and the other bigger quests, there's really nothing left to do and even if you want to stay there, there's just nothing to spend your time doing. I'm currently experiencing that now. My first couple trips were long stays and I didn't want to leave, but when I go there now, it's like there's nothing to do, so I have to leave. Doesn't help that some dungeons there don't seem to respawn, at least not in my experience, especially with the number of dungeons there being limited as it is. I love it there; great atmosphere, almost as if you're playing a whole different game while there, but I wish they had at least added a few more dungeons.