I've been to a few forums and nobody has been able to help me so far...
Basically I want to code some of my locked doors to check if i have the proper key, unlock like normal, remove a single copy of the key from the player's inventory, and display a message saying something like "The old rusty key snapped in the lock" The player would then have to click an OK in a prompt and they would be on their way. This way I could distribute any number of copies of "Old Rusty Key" and not have any one key tied to any one door within a single dungeon just like ye olde zelda games.
I don't want to make a whole bunch of unique keys (old rusty blah 01, old rusty blah 02, etc) it plays tediously and then you have to collect specific keys for each specific door. It would clutter the inventory and it would feel less like a puzzle and more like pulling teeth. Especially if you missed one at the start and have to backtrack.
Truth be told I'm rather new to the Creation Kit and this is my first dungeon. I'm not really code savey, but I do feel this is an important feature my dungeon will require.
Would anyone care to grant me their aid?