It's worth understanding that the cost of development in continental Europe is considerably lower than the US and UK, particularly in central and eastern Europe. As the game is divided into three Acts, it's very possible to produce each one for only a few million euros (The Witcher 2 cost USD$10 million or $7 million euro, and that included marketing). Moreover, the reception it's getting on Kickstarter seems to suggest it's going the way of Star Citizen, in that it'll probably reach close to 1000% of its initial target. And then, also like Star Citizen, they'll have years to continue crowd-funding from their own site - a move that has raised dozens of millions more for SC.
Lastly, in the video the guy was talking in USD, whereas the Kickstarter target is in Euros, hence the difference between half-a-million and 300,000. Obviously they were just talking in fairly round numbers anyway.
I'm aware of this. I would also have classified the witcher (first game) moderate to high risk as well before they ever became a huge hit. Unknown studio, not much experience that is well known (I'm not even sure if they did other games prior to the Witcher series), and a not so well known setting outside of certain areas. I would be a fool if I wouldn't consider that somewhat risky.
So I'm just as aware that risk can lead to great rewards. It can also lead to great failure.
Yea don't compare them to Star Citizen. Most websites are lucky to pull in 500k to 1 million post kickstarter. Even then that's being generous. Unless they have a very clear plan of action like Star Citizen to make a community site and have frequent stretch goals and get down into the nitty gritty of whats going on in their design process. Star Citizen has weekly videos showing the work going on in their various offices. Or telling us of whats going on. Daily news updates from lore, to mentions in the news, or simple things of interest. Your telling me these guys are going to get that big? I'm going to say just work with what your getting first, look to expanding if you can. Don't bite off way more than they can chew.
It took CIG a year of setting up to start developing the game with the majority of their time. From hiring people, to concept, to locating offices, and all the logistics. If your expecting them to grow that big that fast and that continuously then be ready for a big delay in their production timeline. I think your being a little too ambitious if you think they'll hit Chris Roberts/CIG levels of funding.
Now do I think they'll easily break their funding goal? Obviously... or I wouldn't have put in the clause 'if they hit 2 million pounds I'll donate'. Do I think they'll hit the two million pounds? It seems likely, but still. There are always weird little.... factors in design. Sometimes teams misuse the money (low risk here), worker problems, or even people quitting. Plenty of good looking KS have gone belly up despite having the team and money to do it for various reasons. A little caution is always necessary. Even with Star Citizen.
This looks amaaaaaaazing, and it will have mod support too! The graphics look awesome, the horse riding looks awesome, the dialogue options looks awesome, hunting looks awesome (looove hunting), and I love that we're not restricted to the main quest ala TES. I just hope, I couldn't quite tell in the video, that we can actually see our body when looking down. That would be the cherry on top of the cake for me.
I hate KS for not accepting paypal, I would have backed the holybajeebus out of this! I guess I can ask a friend who has both paypal and a creditcard to do the backing for me on my KS account.
When have we ever been restricted to the main quest in TES?
I meant that it's the same as in TES, that we don't HAVE to do the main quest if we don't want to.