[REL]Extended Encounters; Immersive New Random Encounters

Post » Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:34 pm

What is Extended Encounters?

Extended Encounters adds new types of random encounters to Skyrim. Tired of only seeing Talsgar the Wanderer or Maiq? Wondered why NPCs like Uthgerd or Jenassa never seem to leave the confines of the city? Want to see bandits try to loot the hold capitals? Then try Extended Encounters and see more on the roads of Skyrim.

Initially I created this for myself to make my current playthrough a bit more amusing while maintaining the same tone of the vanilla game, but I think you'll enjoy it too.

Download it from Nexus Mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50376/?

List of New Encounters

  • A party of two warlocks on their way to siege Winterhold.
  • A party of three bandits on their way to siege Whiterun.
  • A party of three bandits on their way to siege Riften.
  • A party of three bandits on their way to siege Windhelm.
  • A party of three bandits on their way to siege Solitude.
  • A pack of hungry wolves on their way to attack Dawnstar.
  • A pack of hungry wolves on their way to attack Falkreath.
  • A party of three forsworn on their way to siege Markarth.
  • A party of three adventurers on their way to Labyrinthian.
  • A skittish Thieves Guild thief travelling the road.
  • A Dark Brotherhood assassin travelling the road before you join or destroy them.
  • A werewolf fighting two Vigilants of Stendarr.
  • Mjoll fighting a Dark Brotherhood assassin once you've retrieved Grimsever.
  • Mjoll fighting a Thieves Guild thief once you've retrieved Grimsever.
  • A necromancer walking the road with two skeletons.
  • Vipir and Thrynn travelling the road once you've joined the thieves guild.
  • Cynric and Rune travelling the road once you've joined the thieves guild.
  • Cicero murdering a civilian on the road after you've finished Hail Sithis!.
  • Hadvar and two other Imperial soldiers fighting Stormcloaks after Windhelm has been taken.
  • Ralof and two other Stormcloaks fighting Imperials after Solitude has been taken.
  • Two Vigilants of Stendarr fighting a Hagraven in The Reach.
  • Two dragons ganging up to attack the Dragonborn simultaneously (low chance).
  • Two dragons flying around harmlessly (low chance).
  • Uthgerd fighting a bandit in Whiterun.
  • Three Alikr warriors fighting three bandits.
  • Three Alikr warriors fighting three forsworn in The Reach.
  • Brelyna, J'zargo and Onmund fighting a warlock after you've joined the college.
  • Brelyna, J'zargo and Onmund fighting an atronach after you've joined the college.
  • Three Silver Hand warriors with a writ for your death if you're werewolf.
  • Two Vigilants of Stendarr with a writ for your death if you're a werewolf/vampire.
  • A werewolf fighting two Silver Hand warriors.
  • Erik the Slayer fighting two wolves once you've convinced his father.
  • Erandur fighting a draugr if you've spared his life during Waking Nightmare.
  • Golldir fighting a bandit once you've cleared Vals Veran from his ancestral tomb.
  • Illia fighting a witch once you've killed her mother during Repentance.
  • Belrand fighting a giant spider in Haafingar.
  • Jenassa fighting a bandit in Whiterun.
  • Marcurio fighting a wolf in The Rift.
  • Stenvar fighting a bandit in Eastmarch.
  • Vorstag fighting a forsworn in The Reach.
  • Benor fighting a vampire in Hjaalmarch.
  • Cosnach fighting a forsworn in The Reach.
  • Faendal fighting a wolf in Whiterun.
  • The courier travelling the road, might have a letter for you.
  • Paarthurnax going for a joy-flight after you've finished Dragonslayer.
  • Odahviing going for a joy-flight after you've finished Dragonslayer.


Q. What patch level is required?
A. None, but you should be running the latest patch.

Q. Do I need Dawnguard, Hearthfire or Dragonborn?
A. No.

Q. Do I need any other additional mods or plugins like SKSE?
A. No.

Q. Is this mod stable?
A. Yes. None of the events included in this mod should cause your game to crash unless another mod is somehow interfering. If you come across any problems please do not hesitate to post a message on Nexus Mods or Steam. Sometimes the siege npc's - usually three bandits - may stand still. If this happens let me know what hold you're in so I can check it out. This mod uses the 'EE_' prefix so the risk of a potential script or quest clash should be low.

Q. Is there more to come?
A. Yes. If you would like to suggest a random event post a comment on Nexus Mods or Steam. For now i'm keeping the random events as pretty simple and balanced as possible.

Q. Will the Silver Hand or Vigilants of Stendarr come after me?
A. The Silver Hand will only come after you if you're a werewolf. The Vigilants of Stendarr will come after you if you're a werewolf or a vampire. Only the Vigilants of Stendarr you meet on the road that are specifically trying to purge you will be hostile to you. Killing these Vigilants should not make other Vigilants hostile to you unless you kill them in proximity to non-hostile Vigilants. The Silver Hand will continue to persue you after you have killed their leader. Curing yourself of lycanthropy will stop these two events from occurring.

Q. This mod seems to put a lot of vanilla followers out in the wild. Won't they get killed?
A. Followers and other unique NPCs included in the random events will be marked as Essential for the duration of the random event. When they return to their normal location their status will be set to what ever it was set to before the random event happened. You don't need to worry about them returning safely; they're scripted to return in much the same way as vanilla encounters.

Q. Will this mod increase dragon encounters?
A. This mod adds the chance of a dual dragon encounter, but the risk of encountering this event is intentionally low.

Q. Doesn't the courier already randomly appear on the road?
A. Yes, but not the courier that delivers letters to you. The courier event was added to help him find you if you have the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46693/? mod by Arthmoor installed. Once he's done he'll run back to his house/scripted to be returned.


Should you come across any problems with the mod post a message here or send me an email to wyrmstooth@gmail.com.

For a list of vanilla random encounters see: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Random_Encounters
You do not need to suggest random encounters that are already set up to happen.

Also if you would like to suggest changes to any of the encounters included in the mod for better immersion, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:17 am

This is a cool idea. The concept of actual NPCs from towns being out and about in the world doing things will make Skyrim feel more alive and believable, without having the entire world revolve around what you do.

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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:23 am

My only question is am I going to show up at a village one day only to find half the town wiped out like I did with some of the Immersive Patrols plugins?

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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:41 am

Thanks, any overload with Radiance, Immersive Patrols, Deadly Dragons and Skyrim Immersive Creatures?
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Amy Masters
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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:28 am

Very nice!

Will be part of the load order when I play Skyrim agian :)

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Chloe Mayo
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