Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:36 am

Do you remember FCOM for Oblivion? How it basically intergraded a lot of the best mods for Oblivion to make it a whole new (arguably better) gaming experience? Well, I'd say it's about time for Skyrim to get the same treatment. SSIIE (Skyrim Super Immersive Integrated Experience) is a work-in-project to attempt to get a LOT of mods working nicely together; in a way you will find pretty differently.

What inspired this?

Well, to be honest, FCOM of course, but the MAIN reason I'm wanting to do this is because most of the awesome armor mods and weapons mods I see add beautiful new items to the game……via smithing them. -_- Not to bash on ANYONE'S hard work or dedication, but to me it's just cheap. Smithing is awesome and all, but after a while it's redundant for there to be 9345384563454 things that need to be smithed at the forge to get them into the game. So, I began thinking. If there is some way to get all of these items and creatures into the world via hand-placing them, and perhaps reworking the leveled lists and getting some of them added in via that, then it would make the whole game seem way more interactive and interesting. You'll see named guards and named bandits/mages/whatever wearing the various weapons and armors all these amazing mods add, in a way that makes sense, and that will really show how some enemies can be harder to kill than others. Some may have racial powers or spells they use that others can't, so the harder the enemy, the better the chance is they will have better weapons or armors on.

The general idea?

Make the game harder, make combat rewarding, make the game more interesting, overall give it a more 'Morrowind' feel with exploration being the main objective of getting awesome gear/loot/books/items/spells/whathaveyou.

How do I plan on doing this?

Good question. By plugging away slowly yet surely, I suppose. I want to make sure everything I add into this big ol' mod makes sense, is lore-friendly, and I just want to really have a better over-all Skyrim; I played the game vanilla. It's good. Great, even. BUT IT'S NOT SET UP IN A WAY I PERFER TO PLAY MY GAMES. Which is to say; I will take hours to get from place to place because I like taking my time. So getting everything to work together, especially given Skyrims really weird engine, and thankfully thanks to the new memory patch that seems to have given more stability to the game, is going to be a little bit of a 'leap of faith'. I.E.: Let's just hope for the best!

What mods do I have in mind right off the bat to try and get all working together?

Well, you tell me! I'm looking at most of the armor/weapon adding mods obviously, but also Requiem as a base, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, hopefully Duke's combat overhaul mod, and any mod that changes how leveled loot lists and the economy as a whole work. Let me know though, because the more the merrier. I also assume there will be new dungeons added with awesome new battles in an attempt to make the hand-placing of most the armors and weapons not feel too cluttered to what we have in the vanilla game.

Progress log:

0.0.0: Initial planning/playing to Talos for the best.

Next steps: Continue praying to Talos for the best, gather resources, get permissions, and maybe open the CS.

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Jake Easom
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Joined: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:33 am

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