Game corrupted?

Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:56 pm

This started happening today with my Xbox 360 version of Skyrim.

The game has become WAY un-stable consisting of me spazzing out while sneaking in water, Huge amounts of lag I have never had before, While trying to load a saved game I get the message that its un-readable. This also happens after just being on the starting menu for about 20 seconds.

I can start a new game but as soon as Ralof gets off the cart everything disappears and the sound stops and I get the message the dis is un-readable.

It's not my Xbox since every other game works fine without any issues.

I have gotten a few strange corrupted save files after about 2 weeks of playing which I deleted.

Every other save looks normal.

Is it my save files causing the problem or something else?

*Note: I have had many glitches occur during playing the game. My guess is that its been spammed with too many errors causing it to become unstable. I hope this isn't the case.

The CD isn't scratched that bad. Nothing REALLY cracked is visible at all.

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Suzy Santana
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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:30 pm

This may help:

Follow these steps:
1) To clear the system cache:
Turn on your Xbox and when you get to the Dashboard: Scroll across to the system tab and then select the storage devices option. Next, highlight the hard drive or memory unit option. Press Y for "Device options". Select "Clear System Cache". Select "Yes". Restart your console.

2) To clear the game cache: Hold the LEFT Bumper, RIGHT Bumper, and the X button all at the same time on the Xbox 360 controller as a game is launching. Once you reach the Main Menu or Title Screen of the game, you can let go of the buttons. There will be no notification to you that this process has completed because it is all done passively."

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