Flickering Textures Outside Of Whiterun And Elsewhere

Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:14 am

So if anybody is familiar with the z-axis issue on mountains in skyrim from afar then this is sort of similar. The texture is flickering next to the rocks outside of whiterun. It does this elsewhere in the game where two textures overlap very closely. I tried switching to another GPU and I had no luck. It does the exact same thing on both graphics cards. I was wondering if anybody else has this problem. Try moving around looking at the ground outside of whiterun for a texture that flickers.

Here is a screenshot. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595900720869658765/93F2DF7A0B6F17E156143089034E1465B5985732/ You can actually see it in mid flicker right here. As you move your mouse or your character around it will flicker.

Here is the texture back to how it is supposed to look.


I am going to trouble shoot for motherboard and cpu problems today since I crossed out video cards and drivers already.

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Post » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:03 pm

Well, it could be drivers related, or GPU Control panel properties should be right adjusted....

I can't see any differences an those static pictures. !!!!!!

Have you a video from that problem. !!!!!

I would either monitoring my temps, as going to change all my computer components. !!!! LOL

The Mobo has nothing to do with that....


i assume you don'r have any freezes, bsod's, restart's and that kind of stuff. !!!!!

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