I know the emperor was assassinated and the guards keep telling me about it. I rescued his only son and I am now after the blood of a god.
For some reason I get attacked sometimes out of the blue sky (no idea what this is all about). This needs further investigation...
In the meantime I managed to become the grey fox, grand champion of the arena, advance in the fighters and mage guild a little. After accidentally murdering someone, I cannot remember where or who, the dark brotherhood also wants me to join. I am a knight of the white stallion...
Then there is the pilgrim thingy and I still need to find and pray to about three shrines.
I got ~11 active quests and about ~60 finished ones (only level 16, tough).
The overall idea is/was to finish most/all of the other quests before actual further helping Martin to become the new emperor? I believe/feel, once Martin is emperor, the game is finished?
//edit: and after he is emperor I would go on to see what this guy looking for a new champion of the isle is about...