I have stated before, my character is Enesia.
He's a mage scholar, studying the dragon language and studying things to do with dragons, and ancient nordic priesthood, and ancient burial rites. Also the relationship of the draugr with the dragons. That sort of thing.
His hobby is a treasure hunter. With maybe a hording problem, but that's all In Character. Cause I have other characters who either take what they need or don't take anything at all.
He joined the college for them to sponsor his research. When a name whispers through the college, the name Farengar. Enesia hasn't touched anything to do with the MQ, nor was I going to make him a Dragonborn.
However, he has decided to do the two MQ quest of Whiterun, to spy on Farengar. As he did so, he plans to keep the Dragonstone for himself. And stole the book Delphine and Farengar were looking over. They are now part of his research. And Farengar will surely be left in the dust of Enesia and his highly superior knowledge.
Some fun statements of those who know Enesia
"Enesia? You mean that muttering psychopath who goes on and on about, all to himself by the way, his research of draugr and dragons. He's a nut, shame too considering how young he is"
"That hokerr has a happy casting hands,"
"He's plain old crazy."
"That psychopath burned down a tree for no real reason. For joy, perhaps?"
"I thought he was cute. Until he wouldn't shut up for three hours about some "fascinating" research"
"Enesia. I know of him. Stay away from him, when he's near fire. I think he has an obsession with it" [He does. He just sets trees and stuff on fire. Actually came across a boat near Markath, that had an emrald, some diamonds. His treasure hunting hoarding side came in. And to make sure he didn't miss anything and no one could find his place he set the boat on fire]