The Pale Lady Partial Possession 'Play

Post » Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:11 pm

Been wanting to play two different character archetypes for a while. Same race, same face, but rather than two separate playthroughs (which would be a pain), I hit across the idea of playing my character becoming partially possessed by The Pale Lady. Totally not a stolen idea from that Queen Potema roleplay that was brought to this board's attention a while ago. Nope. Completely original thought by me. Wall of text and stuff you don't care about incomming.

Anyway, my character, Svenja Snow-Song, is a Skaal's Skaal, as Skaal as a Skaal can get. Well, mostly. She had more contact than most Skaal villagers with the Dunmer from Raven Rock and apprenticed in magic (Alteration, Restoration, and Destruction primarily). When she first set out to discover the fate of on of her ancestors who left more than 200 years ago she thought she was wise about the outside world because she understood, vaguely, the concept of money. Still, she found out what she wanted to know with little trouble from others and was on her way back home via Skyrim before being swept up in the events of the game. She took the natural force of the storm as her totem, so she's all into lightning and stuff combined with Alteration, Restoration, and traditional Nord combat skills. But this is her innocent side.

When she was but a babe, her mother was caught in a blizzard while out gathering firewood. Even worse, Svenja was with her at the time as she was still a svckling child. By the time the search party found them, her mother had passed from exposure and our poor baby was as white as snow. Literally, Her hair was coloured like that of an elder, her skin as pale as the snowflakes (make your jokes about Special Snowflake character here), and her eyes were like she was blind yet she still saw (possibly, might retcon her losing her sight if it's not too much). Some folk said it was a Falmer hex, or some other foul spirit's curse. And they were right, but the curse, for whatever reason, was missing a key componant and laid dormant. Until a chanse encounter with a similar force. The Pale Lady, after her spirit disturbed and sensing an affinity with this Nordic lass and her hidden curse latches onto Svenja with the last of her power. The Nord felt compelled to take the blade with her, despite usually being respectful to the dead. Now, lately there seems to be another presence in her mind...

Now, in comes the The Pale Lady. I just like her is all. I like the creepy quest associated with her, I like Wispmothers in general, they're a cool creature. Since I don't have the PC version (yet) I can't do anything more expansive with them other than this roleplay idea.

Initial thoughts are a split personality, one our innocent Svenja, the other the newest Pale Lady. One side, the innocent Nord lass with a thing for zapping and swords, the other some sort of mysterious, morally-ambiguous ice sorceress or something.

Here's where I'm stuck, I'm no good at not being good. I need some advice on how to make the Pale Lady persona more distinct from the other, gameplay or otherwise and when to make the switch. Perhaps the change occurs when the sun goes down or some other factor? How does one be all amoral and mysterious when I've only ever played good characters? What Wispmother-eque abilities and equipment should I use other than The Pale Blade and frost magicks? Perks and such are no issue, since you can level up forever, so I hear. Basically, how do I play The Pale Lady?

Here's a few things that are out: For starters, the more directly serving/jerkish Daedric Quests. A true sorceress knows only to trust one's own power and not bend your knee to a being with no reason not to endlessly torture you in horrible ways. I also don't have the heart for the Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild questlines (for out of game reasons on the latter). Vampirism is also a no-go, most likely for the same reasons as the Daedric quests and because Svenja would definitely notice vampirism.

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Enie van Bied
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