... when going after achievements?
I'm torn. In some ways, this can be a good thing, but in others, it's horrible.
For example, I'm playing Dishonored and replaying the game isn't horrible because it's short. Nabbing the achievements work because you should be able to acquire them in two plays.
However, Fallout 3 has several achievements that demand we play the game three separate times. The problem: Fallout 3 isn't a short game. Despite how good it is, I don't feel compelled to play it three times for achievements, especially when one of them isn't easy to get (neutral to level 30). I need to be specific here: in most cases, these are the only achievements left to get, since most of the other ones usually are obtained when playing the game the first time.
This gets even more complicated with those idiotic secret achievements, which are usually easy to know thanks to this little search engine called "Google" (and I just love how publishers will ensure these are in every $20 guide book, defeating the whole purpose of "secret").
Up until recently, I didn't have a care in the world about these "G" points, but now that Microsoft is giving away some free stuff based on the score, they've changed from being benign to useful.
I'm closing in on 10,000, but it'll be a while. Too busy replaying games trying to get as many achievements as I can with as few play throughs as possible, which means other games aren't getting any love.
It's a conspiracy, I tells ya! Conspiracy!