Uhh.. So how did Valeria create a portal to the Soul Cairn? reading some lore, it seems that its extremely difficult to make a portal from Mundus to Oblivion. and that it requires a sigil stone which is messy business unless you convince a dremora to go fetch it for you directly. and even then you'll need a daedric lord to help you. and when all of that is done, the portal is pretty weak and can only stay open for a few mins. which makes all of this pretty useless. even Fyr had to exploit a series of portals to various realms to make it work according to The Doors of Oblivion. so how did a vampire create a portal using some random Ingredients she found in her old dusty laboratory? was that circle already built to connect to the soul cairn and she needed a few ingredients to open it up? because that seems like the only logical answer.