I am sorry but I will not be paying money for an MMO who refuses to grant beta access to its customers.
Sorry but you have not yet earned my money.
Beta access is for serious "testers". Not arrogant pricks like you who just want to "Play" the game. If you want to "Play" the game. Buy it.
If you have no feedback to give, there is no point in giving you access to the Beta in the first place. That being said, they've already stated a while back, that anyone who signed up for the Beta before August 31st, had gotten Beta access. If you didn't sign up before then, that's your loss, and your fault.
Doesn't matter anyways, judging by how you're acting, you don't deserve Beta Access, and I certainly hope people like you avoid the game in the near future.
LOL bye
*edit* Yes, I've moved to answers like this because it is not worth trying to validate posts like the OP above. In fact, I shouldn't have even put this but hey, you give in from time to time.
It would be rather silly if they offered beta access to everyone. Nothing for you to be upset about, I am in the beta but I don't even know when the next beta weekend will be.
I'm sorry but it beta access is not some automatic right. It's not a free trial. It's for actual testing of the game.
You do realize it is closed Beta , you know that part in game developing that exists to check out bugs and not to have people play a free game , also it pre-order guess what almost all games do it and most of them don't offer any sort of demo or beta first.
That's how they work, you don't want to pre-order fine don't do it wait for a really gameplay and then buy.
Ugh, thanks for posting now please leave.
Open beta whenever, buy, don't buy, no skin off me.
The Beta testers are picked randomly from those who have signed-up for it.
Since your very first post here breaks one of the forum rules, I'm closing your thread. (and it's only generating spam)
You should read the entire forum http://www.gamesas.com/topic/724862-forum-rules-and-general-information/ before posting again.