~ ~ ~
Capulus Ceciderunt de Memoria Skyrim
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"Tenetur in Aeternum"
"Bound in Eternity"
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
------------ Antongranis ------------
Here Lies
Lady Nasuada
Born sometime 4E 170
Died 4E 201
Female Orc
Level 21
Died due to arrogance, to the axe of a master vampire, may malacath forgive her!
------------ Askar ------------
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male / Race - Unknown
Level - 12
After slaying many foes in the battle for Fort Dunstad, Asangar met his end impaled upon a Stormcloak soldier's greatsword.
------------ Bacillus Anthracis ------------
Here Lies
Orekke the Butch
Born - unknown
Died - unknown
Level 6
Orekke is dead, she got too cocky, swung the warhammer at Draugrs but did not blocky.
------------ Blackwyrm ------------
Here Lies
Zorin Morgoth
Born -
Died -
Male / Breton
Level - 28
He found his end under a giant's foot
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died Tragically - Unknown date
Male / High Elf
Level 29 Mage
Threw himself off the bridge at the College of Winterhold to make a point.
Here Lies
Xarus the Necromancer
Male / Breton
Level - Unknown
A giant ran up behind him and smashed him with his club,
but greed and arrogance killed the necromancer.
Here Lies
Male High Elf
Master Wizard, Novice Jumper
As he left the cave of Helgen's Keep, while jumping off the rocks to get down below,
the fall was higher than he thought.
------------ bobrobert97 ------------
Here Lies
Born -
Died - 18 of Last Seed 43 201
Male / Khajiit
Level - 28
Felled from being surrounded by Draugr
------------ Cael.09 ------------
Here Lies
Ronan The Redguard
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Redguard
Level - 7
Fell to a frost troll just on his way to High Hrothgar.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Redguard
Level 17
Fell to a Wispmother, her ice spikes shredding through his steel armor like cutting cloth.
------------ CaptNink ------------
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - 19th of Last Seed, 4E 201
Female Breton
Level - 3
Her remains were found at the bottom of the cavern known as the 'Sightless Pit', the victim of a Falmer attack.
------------ Christonikos ------------
Here lies
Gaius Tacitus
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Imperial Archeologist and Legionnaire, former Bruma Guard Captain
Died at the Age of 48
Level 12
Died from Mead, Dragon and Sabre cat Cocktail
--------- Cpt_Calavera ---------
Here Lies
Born - 4E170
Died - 4E201
Male Breton
Level - 5
Killed by the Draugr Overlord in Bleak Falls Barrow.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born - 4E181
Died - 4E201
Male Nord
Level 6
Killed by a giant frost spider while trying to find the way to the Throat of the World.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born - 4E183
Died - 4E201
Male Altmer
Level 9
Killed by falmers in the ruins of Mzulft while searching for the Staff of Magnus.
------------ complecs ------------
Here Lies
Master Assassin / Archer
Born - Unknown
Died - 4E 201
Male Argonian
Level - 19
He killed snow bears, countless dragons, saber tooths, and innocent people, but has fallen to 3 mudcrabs.
------------ xDETHBROKERx ------------
Here Lies
Shaddix Kriox
Born - 4E 180
Died - 4E 201
Male Breton
Level - Unknown
He tripped and fell off of a bridge to his death.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Darrian Tabris
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Gender - Unknown Race - Unknown
Level Unknown
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Theron Mahariel
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Gender - Unknown Race - Unknown
Level 13
Died while being attacked by a dragon, a bear... and guards for a "misplaced" arrow.
------------ dudeman555 ------------
Here Lies
Sir Dude
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Gender / Race
Level - Unknown
Battling a spider, he was stabbed in the back by a friggin' Spriggan.
------------ elric1976 ------------
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - 18th of Heartfire 4E 201
Male Dunmer
Level - 19
Was able to defeat a Blood Dragon but a wolf was the end of him shortly after.
------------ eunoia ------------
Here Lies
Born - 4E 176
Died - 4E 201
Female Nord
Level - 2
Died far from home in the lair of vampires. Flattened by a metal rack.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born - 4E 178
Died - 4E 201
Level - 1
Died in Bleak Falls Barrow. Victim of a metal rack.
------------ FaustIV ------------
Here Lies
Aoi Hemera
Birth:4E 179, day unknown
Death:22nd of Last Seed 4E 201
Female Dunmer
------------ Fewr ------------
Here Lies
Born - 4E 176
Died - 4E 201
Male / Nord
Level - 9
"Here lies our intrepid Nordic man, adventurous, couragous and brave,
who succeeded in kicking the can, unwittingly digging his grave.
his sword arm was flacid, as his face burned with acid,
while the Chaurus contented to be represented
in the last words of a poet who died and didn't know it."
------------ Fiskonian ------------
Here Lies
Ralyn Dral
Born - 12th of Hearthfire, 4E 173
Died - 26th of Last Seed, 4E 201
Male Dunmer
Level - 6
Fell from atop Valthiem Towers, as he was out maneuvered by an archer.
------------ flashismyfriend ------------
Here Lies
Olaf Andrelius
Born: Unknown, very long ago
Died: 5th Day in this vessel
Level: 2
Male Imperial Silvertongue
He longed for control, but only found the end of his time in yet another vessel
------------ Gagnon39 ------------
Here lies
Decentius Lex
Born: 13th of Frostball 4E 166
Died: 24th of Hearthfire 4E 201
Male Imperial
level 19
Was killed by a Forsworn agent protecting Nepos the Nose.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Zeno Umbranox
(Great, Great, Great, Great, Great grandson of Corvus Umbranox)
Race: Imperial
Born: 7th of Rain's Hand, 4E 167
Died: 31st of Last Seed, 4E 201
A noble warrior, cunning, and courageous. Zeno was overcome by a band of Falmer deep in a Dwemer ruin.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Vlarimil Draconis
Born: 7th of Second Seed 4E 164
Died: 3rd of Heartfire 4E 201
Male / Imperial
Level 14
Vlarimil's life was svcked out of him as he fled from a Sprggan Earth Mother.
------------ General Masters ------------
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
female / Argonian
Level - 45
Killed, after getting careless, just outside a Bandit fort.
------------ getzy57 ------------
Here Lies
Jediael Betzalel
Born - 17 of Last Seed, 4E 201
Died - 16th of Heartfire, 4E 201
Male Nord
Level 19
Died from: Fighting 4 ice wolves, 2 blood dragon and 3 Falmer in succession.
------------ GorbadPS3 ------------
Here Lies
Calgiu Acilius
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male / Imperial
Level - 2
Killed by a durzog, half way from markarth to whiterun, near the river, on the road.
------------ Grits ------------
Here Lies
Born - 14th of Frostfall, 4E 180
Died - 20th of Last Seed, 4E 201
Female Nord
Level 3
Killed by a Vampire.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born 24 Rains Hand 4E 173
Died 12 Heartfire 4E 201
Female Khajiit
Level 17 Thief, Archer, Skooma Addict, Dovahkiin
Killed by Otar the Mad.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born – Frostfall 2, 4E165
Died – Frostfall 28, 4E201
Female Redguard Battlemage
Level - 26
Dovahkiin, Restorer of the Blades, killed by a scavenger within sight of Whiterun.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Born – Rain’s Hand 2, 4E171
Died – Heartfire 22, 4E201
Male Breton Conjurer/Illusionist
Level - 28
Smashed by a single blow from a Dremora’s fiery hammer while pursuing a higher education.
------------ HeroofKvatch99 ------------
Here Lies
Born - 4E 181
Died - 4E 201
Male Argonian
Level - Unknown
Perished while battling a random dragon.
------------ hidesfromdragons ------------
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 9
A brave nord warrior who died a fools death by running into a dragon screaming victory or sovngarde.
------------ iBakedYouApie ------------
Here Lies
Light Yagami
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male / Breton
Level - 6
Attacking a mouthy old woman in Riverwood, his skull was smashed by a steel warhammer.
------------ implantedwall14 ------------
Here Lies
Female Breton Battlemage
Level - 22
The Misguided Mage
Killed by a vampire she once called friend.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
R'izarrdo the Peaceful
Level 5
A misplaced arrow, or misplaced trust?
Never, ever hire Jenessa the Unjust.
~ ~~~ ~
Here Lies
Level 20
Lokar tried to Redeem all of Skyrim
But in the end, the only one who truly sought Redemption, was him.
------------ Jarl Siddgier ------------
Here Lies
Ulam gro-Shugham
Born 29th Sun's Dusk 174
Died 5th Hearthfire 201
Male Orc
Level 13
Killed by the lingering poision of a Chaurus
~ ~~~ ~
Here lies
Born 4E 123
Died 4th Hearthfire, 4E 201
Level 11
Female Altmer
Crushed by an angry captain's warhammer
------------ jackpericles ------------
Here Lies
Kehlen Thrice-Damned
Born 12 Sun’s Height, 4E 173
Died: 15 Heartsfire, 4E 201
Male Nord
Level 19
You thought magic was a curse, but it was only your cause of death
------------ jesusismyairbag ------------
Here Lies
randall norbert wheeler johnson
Born - Unknown
Death - Unknown
Male Argonian
Level 19
died falling off dragon bridge when drunk
------------ Julianos11 ------------
Here Lies
Born: ?
Died: ?
Nord Warrior
Level 9
Killed by the heavy blow of a Bandit Chief's Warhammer
------------ Kitchwan ------------
Here Lies
Kitchwan Thornblade
Born - Unknown
Died - 11th of Heartfire 4E 201
Male Nord
Level - 22
After having a epic battle with a group of wolves, a spider and a frost dragon, Kitchwan stood over the bodies triumph.
That is until a giant came up and knocked him into space
------------ Knighty Knight ------------
Here Lies
Sevan Na'dra
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Gender / Race
Level 8
Killed by a Frostbite Spider
Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Khajiit
Level - 3
Slain by Imperials.