Listen, a lot of us if not MOST of us, have been gaming for years. We know what makes a good game, we know how much effort goes into a good game to make it work, and have it be enjoyable for the customer.
We have seen games rise, and fall.
From the beginning of World of Warcraft, arguably the BEST MMO ever made. Hate me saying that, but that's the only game that had my attention for 7 years, until recently quitting.
I've seen this game at its peak, and let me tell you, it didn't get to achieve the player base it had, yeah HAD, with a poor business model. In-Fact, I dare say that from Vanilla until at least the beginning of Cataclysm they put customers over $$.
I'm getting to my point, don't worry.
Take this very seriously ZeniMax, if you put $$ over your customers, you won't have customers left. Poor business models KILL games. They murder them.
I want to feel like i'm being put first above all. I don't want to feel like the developer cares more about how much is in their pocket.
Don't pull a Activi$ion.