Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've played Skyrim now but I'm watching a let's play of it played by a finnish guy called http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SepUm5SVFjc&list=SPvqxe4XbcSiFUJXGgj26Z5NTv4f-CBUth who I highly recommend.
I know this may have been pointed out sooo many times before but all the small things that makes skyrim such a great game is really amazing. Make your own story and role play when characters just randomly pops out, when things like that happens.. I'm still amazed that people has played it for over 1000 hours which proves how far roleplaying can go.
I may start a new character soon or continue my old character I don't know, but what I do know is that skyrim will always be legendary. I hope I didn't bore you lol.