Lifetime subscribers can switch PvP alliance at will. It's a great deal!
(j/k) - but I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point.
I doubt there will be a lifetime subscription fee, as Zenimax, or Bethesda (forget which), has already stated in previous videos that they would look towards a "Free to Play" model some time down the road. And whether or not it happens sooner, rather than later, I doubt they'd want to reimburse "X" amount of users, should they decide to get a "Lifetime" subscription.
My current thoughts are pretty much like most Sub-fee games as of late. They're going to give you the option of paying Monthly (One Month at a time), Three Month Fee (a total and discounted price for 3 months of sub-fee), and either a 6 month, or 12 month sub-fee, or both.
I'd say the closest thing you have to a lifetime would be 6-12 months.
However, the threads might be locked, one moderator already locked another thread saying you can't discuss payment methods, and I'm not trying to get your thread locked or anything, simply trying to answer your question. If it helps any.
ZOS just said the price per month, nothing about plan details or discounts. Humor is just confused, sorry.
We are not discussing the pricing model at this time.