"If one decided to follow one of the many clotted waterways during the pink rays of twilight deeper into the land of dirt and marsh they would discover that no sound but one could be heard on this day. No ruffle-flutters could be heard calling out to potential mates, and no groarinerpents could be heard sliding across the dirty white stone that littered the ground like half submerged grave markers without the dead inside them (because who would take the time to bury someone in the mud?). Because today was the Growing and only a fool would make noise during a moment of silence.
But note that ‘no sound but one’ could be heard on this day, which means that there was such a fool who would disturb this moment. And of course this noise was not pleasant noise either, and one could follow the sound of it as it’s emitter ran through the cringing grass and tense waters that would had told the Noisemaker to shut up themselves if they weren’t supposed to be quiet too. The source of the noise only grew louder with previous noise, and the Noisemaker ran out into the muddy lands and into the sun chasing after a rather silent Thrut even thought it was running, and revealed himself to be a rather disobedient Root stripling playing his bone-winds."
[Excerpt From: The First Who Shall Enter Shall Enter Last: The Grove of Fallen Dreams]
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