You're gonna get lots of yes and like 3 or 4 no.
I'm in the No zone as I cannot RP to save my life.
depends on what you mean. I give my characters personalities, restrictions on what they do and how they fight, only do certain quests that fit that character, with some small exceptions every once in a while if i want a specific artifact that i want, but the quest would not work.
Also, i never play DiD, cannot, in any way, see how that is fun.
RPing is the only way...
Nah just kiddin. But yeah I RP. I've also been planning on trying DiD for a while now.
I play as myself transported into that World.
I do things and react the way I would.
That's complicated ( and interesting ) enough for me.
Yes, I do. Quite a bit to be honest. Right now, I'm playing a Nord Knights, who has a side job as a hunter, who was robbed by bandits and left for dead in the wilderness about 10 miles from any civilization. The first night was completely terrible. I about got mauled by bears if it wasn't for some of the companions seeking to kill that bear. Now Njord, my character, has a hatred towards bandits and his job is to wipe them out. I have a lot of characters with a very immerse background. There was this Bosmer that was a "prince" in society. However, while traveling with his family they were attacked by the Thalmor. His family was murdered and he was captured. He was then moved to the Thalmor embassy in Skyrim to work there. His hatred burned against them. When the leader of the Thalmor came to visit Skyrim he tried to kill him, but his arrow missed. He got out of there as quickly as possible. However, he was captured by Imperials that were sent to look for him. The dragon saved him. Now his plan is to completely wipe out the Thalmor. He was my first DiD character. He joined the dark brotherhood and he became a master assassin. Sadly enough, he died from slipping off of a roof in Markarth.
In my eyes it's a fantasy-genre game. I need other roleplayers to roleplay with, not a computer. Giving pre-determined answers to pre-determined questions (and vice-versa) is not roleplaying. At least not in my eyes. It's still an enormously entertaining game though
I do for the most part. Some times though it's kind of hard to RP when something glitches out and a mamoth drops from the sky.
"By the gods! That furry elephant just fell from the heavens?"
I laugh so hard at some of the bugs, this one included xD.
That pretty much sums up the extent of my RP. I don't have the imagination to think of a detailed back story nor the patience to do the realistic things that many do like stopping to eat and drink regularly, sleeping 8 hours a night, etc. I do however let my characters develop and evolve over time, mixing in some headcanon along the way.
99% of the characters that make it out of Helgen are RP's... I have done a couple DiD's and a couple I just want to do one certain thing, try something out.
I have to, other wise the game gets boring after a while.