A very exciting thing, when you make that move ! Remember when you had that shiny new Skyrim DVD in your hand and putting it in your PC and waiting for it to install -or- finalizing the process for buying it from Steam and waiting for it to download & install? I know I was VERY anxious for it to complete, and was very anxious to see Skyrim for myself on PC. All the youtube videos and screenshots really don't do it justice, as it always looks tons better when it is live , on your own PC !
I love reading posts from people just getting started with Skyrim PC and the directions they go, and mods they choose to better their experience !
Anyone else here anxious to hear about Michaelpk's transformation from Xbox 360 ----> PC Skyrim?
Well, tomorrow is the big day for him, I hope all goes well, and he gets his full PC setup & Skyrim , I bet he is VERY VERY anxious
I just hope he comes here and shares his experience with us, and shares & discusses with us his mods and transition experience !
Of course, same applies for anyone else making the transition..some of us enjoy the onboarding to PC Skyrim experience, and talking to someone going through it, helps bring a piece of the excitement back for some of us.