So I started with Skyrim and have pre-ordered ESO. I'm mid 40's so I began gaming with paper/dice RPGs like Advanced Dungeons and Dragons long before PCs were capable of anything beyond little square blobs for graphics. I've played Skyrim for over 570 hours with several characters now. So I'm sure I don't have as firm a grasp of the lore as many of you veterans so maybe you can help me out. Earth's real Middle ages lasted around 1,000 years give or take a hundred or so depending on which historians you side with. Shortly after that period (or at the tail-end) you had various forms of fire-arms begin to emerge and the sword/bow as dominant weapons slowly died off. So unless the inhabitants of Nirn are somehow "slower" intellectually/industrially than us what is taking them so LONG? Now don't get me wrong I'm not wanting to use guns in ElderScrolls I'm just questioning (and trying to understand) the Lore such as it is that has ESO taking place around 1,000 years before the events of Skyrim. The art and videos I've seen of ESO seems to show the same relative weapon tech as we enjoyed in Skyrim. With THAT much time passing I would think ESO would at least lack forged STEEL or Skyrim would have had rudimentary firearms. Or something. Some sort of natural progression/regression. Or am I not accounting some sort of natural/unnatural cataclysm that set things back?
Again I may well be lacking some Lore Knowledge that explains this since I have not played the previous games.