SkyrimSKSE equivalent of OBSE IsCastingSelf function?

Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:11 pm

In Oblivion with the script extender there were actor animation state functions IsCastingRanged, IsCastingTouch, and IsCastingSelf (not certain if these are the exact names but you get the idea) that returned a boolean based on if the calling actor object was doing a cast animation with the range specified in the function. Now I know that Skyrim has no touch range abilities, but the only similar condition functions are IsCasting and IsDualCasting. Thre's no equivalent of IsCastingSelf. An alternate approach would be to use the function that gets an actor object's equipped items and query the range (self, aimed, location, etc) off the spell objects returned, but there's no function on spell objects to get their range (self/aimed/location/actor/contact).
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Vicky Keeler
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