» Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:39 pm
There is a lot people overlook or want to ignore because they rather see Ulfric as some kind of pure hero, though that's clearly not the case. Ulfric is a gray character, he has his ups and downs like everyone.
The civil war's true purpose is a Thalmor plot to weaken the empire while trying to get rid of as many Talos worshipers they can, they didn't actually want either side to win but people tend to look at that as "The Thalmor are afraid of a Stormcloak ruled skyrim" which is far from the case, it's more of they can't hunt down the Talos Worshipers.
We also have the implications of Ulfric being racist due to the fact that it's his decree that the argonians are banned from windhelm. People have counter argued that it was because of the Dunmer but we must look at the facts that.
1. The Dunmer show no hatred for the argonians save for the one who pays and orders the argonians around but even her racism can be dismissed as seeing her employees as lazy, which wouldn't be surprising if they did a half-ass job because they are forced to live in a run-down housing that they have to pay for.
2. Free-winter tells us it's Ulfric's followers that are causing trouble for the Argonians, that's why they can't instantly come back into the city.
3. If there was supposedly this tension between the Dunmer and Argonians why do we have one argonian as being scheduled to have gone to the New Gnisis Cornerculb, a Dunmer bar? If the Argonians were being harassed by the Dunmer surely he wouldn't have gone there and talked to multiple Dunmer.
Honestly, I don't think Ulfric is a great guy, I don't even think he is as great of a warrior as some people claim he is to me he is just another loud mouth politician who likes to hear his voice because to me that's how he is shown. I know some people want him to be this epic great guy who fights for religious freedom or some crap (which is funny when you consider it was him who lead the charge to retake the reach and force the Reachmen back into basically slavery under a oppressive force.)
Finally I don't seem him as a great guy because he allied the Vignar to let the stormcloaks raid and sack the Battleborns and he allows his troops to harass Imperial owned businesses, not exactly a smart move.