I have a long-standing sentimental attachment to Dunmer, going back to my Morrowind days. I loved the whole tribal Ashlander atmosphere, yurts and all. Their underdog status in Skyrim has me rooting for them all over again.
Me Too! I have always played a Dunmer since Morrowind.
Dunmer. They've been a favorite race of mine since first playing TES, with interesting culture and lore. Both have some of the best lore out of any of the races, however, I tend to neglect the Bosmer throughout TES. And Skyrim didn't help with that with their lack of numbers. Although I remember dealing with them quite a bit in Oblivion.
If I didn't play Oblivion before Morrowind, Dunmers would seriously be my favorite mer. But that's Altmer now and nothing can change that.
Even than, Dunmer is pretty much one of the most fleshed out and interesting race in TES. I find them far cooler than Bosmers. Bosmers really need more attention in future games.
I like the Bosmer leagues more than the Dunmer. The savagery and racial identity of the Bosmer strikes me as more interesting, and I always thought that flipping the typical 'tree-hugger' wood elf stereotype to make them carnivorous and forbidden from using wood was really creative. And, this isn't really major, but I always find the concept of heroes or badass characters being somewhat short to be radical.
Besides that, I also played an Argonian for my first character in Morrowind, and that caused the Dunmer to really irk me from the start. The near-fanaticism that a lot of TES fans display of the Dunmer only compounded that issue, sorta.
Bosmer. I find their history respectable. Their dirty meta-physical secrets give them a nice twist. And no two Bosmer are the same. Their Anuism is pleasant, and they have the right idea forcing themselves to eat their fallen enemies, Mer or Man. Keeps them from getting greedy and ambitious. Keeps them fit. Keeps the precious trees safe.
Dunmer are one of my favorites races even before playing Morrowind. I cant take the Bosmer seriously.
Dunmer because <3 their voices in Morrowind.
Rumor has it the Adoring Fan is Glarthir's son. There must be a mother out there somewhere too.
Dunmer because #YOCO #swag #nwahpls
Dunmer. I've played as them ever since I played as them first in Oblivion, they've got a great culture, etc.
Even though I don't really care for the Dunmer, I will acknowledge that out of all the races we have seen thus far, their culture and society is perhaps the most fleshed-out of them all thus far.
Thus, I find it foolish to give my opinion on which one is "cooler" because we have yet to visit Valenwood.
However, given what we know about the Bosmer, they're quite scarier than one would expect. An invasion of their homeland can lead to devastating results.
Also, with regards to height, Dunmer are taller than Bosmer in-game.