This is the first time I've ever done something like this, and constructive criticism would be appreciated.
This FanFic stays true to the lore and is about a Bosmer who runs away from home at a young age and lives an dangerous life. Enjoy

Arannir's Journal.
Before i start recording in my Journal, I would like to say that i was born on 1st Morning Star, 3E 400. This is a recording of my life, i hope who ever is reading this has a good time - Arannir
Morndas, 1st Morning Star, 3E 418
I had yet another argument with my father today. He says i should stop going out so much, he thinks i should spend more time at home. The fool. Maybe one day i will leave this house for good, just walk out and never come back. That would be nice. So nice.
Turdas, 4th Morning Star, 3E 418
Today i left home. I've had enough. I plan to make my to Cyrodil, to join up with the Imperial Legion. Wish me luck.
Fredas, 5th Morning Star, 3E 418
Man! Today was hectic. In the morning while travelling toward the border from Valenwood to Cyrodil i was ambushed by bandits.
I was walking through the thicket when i heard a rustling noise, i pulled out my sword and listened carefully, I could hear the sounds of nature, but nothing else. I dismissed the noise Asa. Small animal or the like running around. Suddenly a battle cry went up and a Nord Warrior came running at me with his greatsword raised. I ducked and rolled out if his way and slashed his across the back with my sword, but he just became even more angry. He charged at me again, but this time i was ready. I stood rock still as he charged me, and at the last moment i sidestepped and drove my sword through his back, killing him.
Another three bandits appeared, all heavily armoured and obviously angry. I knew i was outnumbered but i still fought. I hacked and slashed until there was one left standing. His armour was broken, and he had several wounds on his body from my sword. I advanced on him with a menacing look in my eyes. He knew he was defeated, he had no weapon and was tired. I lifted my sword and brought it down on his head.
I carried on walking towards the border. I came across a stone shack in the forest. I decided to rest there for the night as it was getting late. I hope to get to Cyrodil before the 16th.
Turdas, 18th Morning Star, 3E 418
Finally! I have reached Cyrodil! I narrowly escaped being seen by the guards. Thank the nine for that hay cart. The driver of the cart said I'm about 3 days away from the Imperial City. I'm so excited!