I feel a bit more immersed. I thought I might as well make a nord save and do alot on that character just to experience the game how they meant it.
I feel a bit more immersed. I thought I might as well make a nord save and do alot on that character just to experience the game how they meant it.
I certainly feel more at home in Skyrim. As much as I love to play as Altmer sometimes I feel out of place as them.
Tbh, I don't feel anything.
The potions lady in whiterun ruined it for me anyway (She calls you a nord no matter your race).
I wish race actually mattered in game....
I feel like I'm more a part of the culture in Skyrim, that's for sure. And that's the same reason I'm playing a Dunmer in Morrowind
Yea I feel like more comfortable using the various shouts.
I feel very dirty, playing as a nord.
I'm pretty comfortable on my redgaurd tho. I use Soulrend and Bloodscythe with some enchanted stalrhim. I him a nordic redgaurd.
I feel lost and out of place as any other race than a Nord. I love Nords, their culture and religion. I love the immersion that I experience. I am a Nord myself so I kinda feel like I "have" to play a Nord, to relate.
"Hm, nope. No matter how I dress him up he's still an ape Nord. Why don't I just play a Breton, it's virtually the same thing? Time for a new character."
I'm more comfortable with any race other than Nords, Orcs and Redguards, tbh.
Also, am I the only one that finds it odd that you're still called "outsider" and "foreigner" even when you play a Nord? Can any race play this game without feeling out of place?
No different, really.
I feel different playing a Dunmer, Altmer or a Khajiit, though.
The times whan I felt my race mattered the most, was when I was in Windhelm and played a Dunmer or an Argonian. And for the Argonian, even in a positive sense because the other Argonians treat you as one of them (which the Khajiit in the Khajiit caravans don't, if you play a Khajiit ). I haven't tried to enter an Orc stronghold as an Orc though. Other than that I feel race matters very little in Skyrim.