is really a simple thing
One must honestly leave the topic at a "CLIFF HANGER" -
And then figure it out later.
Consider how most of the ERB stories are written - they were made to leave the reader breathless, and waiting for the rest of the story!
Such is also the essence of the Robert E. Howard tales of Conan -
You cannot help but follow them, in order to see how the rest of the story comes out!
Even if they shamelessly take advantage of the things we (as common day individuals) are thinking.
And this I think is key to adventure story writing - you can't help but to go there, even if the story is kind of stupid.
Clive Cussler uses the same lure,and throws in the dangled essence of new technology. As the old time science fantasy writers once did - Clive C. tosses in the lure of technologies we have never seen or heard of. And this is the making of wonderful worlds, the like of which we have never seen before...
Just as Edgar Rice Burroughs imaginings of "BARSOOM" once did,we follow these worlds with avid curiousity - to see where they might lead
OF SUCH is TAMRIEL made, a world of imagination - and that is why I love these games so much