Or even worse : A boss that you're fighting that you think is part of one of those cutscenes but he is just ridiculously over powered.
The other day I bought Dark Souls on impulse because I'd heard so much about it, and I felt like some fantasy archery. Got up to the archery aiming mechanic in the tutorial, tried it for about ten minutes, then put the game on the shelf and haven't touched it since. After smooth Skyrim archery I just couldn't handle it.
In general I think game design has improved a lot in recent years, though.
Enemies that brush off tonnes of damage
Quicktime events
When an enemy has a powerful weapon and then when you get it, it is nowhere near as powerful.
Looping dialogue, when a character says the same thing over and over again every 5 seconds, that is a pet peeve of mine.
Gotta go with boss fights, you almost always die a few times as you dont know what they do.
Speaking of escorting in games, Resi 4 did it right with Ashley who was constantly up your backside and moved out of the way when she was in your line of sight while aiming.
The first 5 levels of any game, especially for the first time.
My character is weak, I don't know what I am doing, I have not figured out the controls and the look and feel, I have not come to grips with the mechanics. It always seems that once I am able to do some things with my character, that I understand the game enough to not need the levels to do those things.
Yeah, escort missions with brain-dead NPCs are just the worst. I still remember one from the Rikti quest arc in City of Heroes. "Escort this guy out of the enemy base!" Dude then runs to attack two boss mobs in the next room while I'm still fighting dudes. "Oh, your NPC died! You get the Bad Ending, effecting the rest of the quest chain!" And since it was an MMO, no reloading save to try again. Whee!
Oh, god, that ending.
(And I still haven't gotten around to seeing the expansion. Couldn't find just the FoV expansion for my non-Steam Ego Draconis, and my backlog is large enough without re-buying the DKS version of it and playing it again.)
Everything in Jak 2. I still haven't beaten that game thanks to how insane the missions can get with what they request of me to do. Took me a year to get the hoverboard due to how hard the mission to getting to that part was.
Even worse, ones that are very loud and use tons of moving images that could give one a headache. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5BRKSB45BY
I don't think I've seen a logo as hard on the eyes as this one is.
Don't think you can buy FoV on its own, but yeah, it comes with the DKS. However you're not forced to re-play Ego Draconis, as on the menu you can jump right into FoV and create a new character that's given a crapton of skill points and gold to get you to where you were at the end of Ego Draconis.
Overlord 2 - that bit after fighting the giant spider boss where you had to guide your minions up the sides of a big stone tower or whatever. I've seen several people say they didn't have any problem with it, but most I've encountered, cursed that spot like mad. Gamepad or KB/mouse. I personally found it slightly easier with the mouse/KB.
Basically, I dislike anything that requires only random luck and perfect timing with wonky controls to successfully do, and such task is a requirement to advance, vs. being an optional side mission.
Timed missions and RTS's that give enemy units more health/damage on harder difficulties.
Yes, I am looking at you Zero Hour and your China mission 3.