[ Please keep it SPOILER FREE as much as possible]
Im playing my Nord warrior dragonborn (my only char that is dragonborn) through the Solstheim main quest and Ive come across 2 Black books so far but not went till the end in Apocrypha to learn their secrets yet. I just learned that there's 7 books in total and I was wondering, do all these books are related to the Dragonborn questline to defeat Miraak? or some just give special powers not related to the Dragonborn .
I don't want to spoil whatever bonus other books give because I have a Dunmer pure mage (lvl 4 atm) but when I get to Solstheim I want to uncover magic artifacts and being a knowledge hungry archmage by that time it works really well with the books.
So TL:DR : do I need to uncover all the books secrets to finish the main Dragonborn questline and defeat Miraak? I don't want to spoil their secrets for my mage char.
Please keep it SPOILER FREE as much as possible!