What you should do with that twenty bucks (seriously) is invest in the "OBLIVION - GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION"
~For the backgrounding, and also because even though the graphics are not as state of the art as SKYRIM, the QUESTLINES are huge by comparison.
Yeah, a lot of the voice actors sound like Leslie Nielson, or the Dad in Leave it to Beaver. But the game itself is so amazing that I myself find myself far more absorbed by it than I was with SKYRIM, which I bought first.
You can get so deep in it that you forget everything else, and can't wait to get into your next session with it. The options with skill developement are far more sophisticated and complex than SKYRIM that I hope a future iteration of it goes back to those same choices.....
The price these days for the GOTY set is around $14 on amazon, and you will find that every nickle was damned well spent!