Hello, I am new to the site. I just registered my account and validated and what not. Everything says I am a member now, but for some reason I have a few editing options missing from my settings page. I went to the help section for info. I looked up the problem on google. I tried searching the forums for my problem. I have found nothing to help me. This post is my last resort haha.
I click my username at the top of the site (like it says in the help section) and I click on settings. When I get to the settings page, this is all that is listed in the tabs on the left:
- Profile Settings
- Email & Password
- 'Ignore' Preferences
- Notification Options
- My Notifications
- Manage Notes
Under the help section it lists editing options that should be available. Here is a list of the editing options that do not show on my settings panel or under any of the tabs:
- Edit your "About Me" information (I do not see an "about me" section on the profile page either)
- Add profile information, such as interests
- Profile Customization:
From the Profile Customization tab of your UserCP, you can setup a custom profile background, change the colors of your profile, and perform other ways to customize the look and feel of your profile. - Display Name:
The Display Name page allows you to change the name that is shown to members throughout the community. The board administrator limits the number of times you can change your display name, so make changes wisely. - Signature:
The signature page allows you to modify the custom signature that is shown below all of your posts. - Manage Facebook/Twitter:
If you have connected your forum profile to Facebook or Twitter, you can manage your connection here, including settings on importing status updates, linking your user photo, and more. - Manage Attachments:
This page will display all attachments that you have uploaded to the forum. If you are running close to your global attachment limit, you can delete attachments from this area. - Status:
The user's status displays in the profile upon clicking the Profile Feed tab. You can leave a profile comment here too and reply to their status or previous comments.
To update your own status, open the usermenu on the top right available on every page and you'll have an input box to enter one.
I copied and pasted this list of features from the "Your Settings" section of the sites Help Topics section.
I am unsure if maybe these are features that are no longer available, or maybe features only available to "paying members"? I did searches to find out if that was the case, but it doesn't seem to be so. I also noticed other members do have their signatures attached to their posts, so I know that the option for that should at least be on my settings list. There is also no usermenu on the top right of my pages, so there is no input box to enter a status message.
If anyone can help me with this issue, or can direct me to someone that can, please let me know. I've tried everything trying to figure this issue out. With my luck it's probably something small and stupid that I am overlooking haha.