So a while ago, I completed "The Temple of Miraak". I don't remember whether or not it "officially completed" itself, but it's no longer in my quest log.
Frea is supposed to take me to the village and talk to her dad. After a few sidequests, I fast traveled to the village. Her father and two others are kneeling around some whirlwind and they can't be talked to. Frea is a normal NPC who only talks about her mother and her experiences of learning to fight while young.
I tried to begin The Fate of the Skaal by typing in the console
SetStage DLC2MQ03 1
player.setstage DLC2MQ03 1
SetStage DLC2MQ03 1
player.setstage DLC2MQ03 2
And so on, with different combinations. NOTHING has been working, when I back out of the console, no quest notifications appear on my screen, but the townsfolk are just the same.
I'm sick of this game's [censored] bugs. Can I fix this? Am I doing the commands wrong? How so?