I've noticed no one has attempted to create a mod that enables the player to refine arrows at a grindstone, similar to how bows and others weapons can be, and was thinking about creating a mod of my own to try and tackle this. Is there any specific limitations with the Creation Kit or Papyrus that prevent this or is it a matter of no one else thinking about this and not attempting it yet? The idea I had was that you'd have to find a book (say "Lost Arts Of Fletching" or similar title) to enable the refinement of current arrows, using either an ingot to refine a batch of arrows in one go or to create individual arrowheads that can be consumed at a grindstone with the arrow that is to be refined. Just always struck me as weird that you can refine the bows, but not the arrows themselves, and bolts for that matter in Dawnguard. Either that or have the ability to refine the arrows being dependent on a combination of the smithing and archery skills (i.e. the archery and smithing skills added together and then divided by two) and require the relevant smithing perks for the base material for each arrow used. Could argue from a lore-perspective that expert archers know how to improve their arrows, but require the relevant smithing expertise to accomplish this.
The only alternative I can see if CK and scripting limitations prevent this is to create individual Fine, Superior, Exquisite, Flawless, Epic and Legendary versions of each arrow and bolt type manually, along with the accompanying arrowhead types. Obviously, I'd rather avoid this to keep the mod as nice and simple as possible, but if it comes to it, I might have to bite the bullet and take this route. Only obvious problem is that arrows would not be able to be improved above Legendary if the player has enchantments that boost their smithing skill above the normal 100 cap and could make the mod bigger than I'd like it to be with the additional models for each type of level of improved arrow. I've already created a spreadsheet witht their values already calculated, would be a matter of creating the individual arrows and plugging in the numbers. I've also got the rough pseudocode jotted down as to what would be needed (did some C programming for an engineering programming unit, so not a complete noob with regards to scripting).
So, what limitations can I expect with this regarding the Creation Kit and Papyrus, and could it possibly be implemented using SKSE?