One thing I feel that keeps an MMORPG going strong is its community. That community is strengthened when fully supported by the games developers.
It's something that I feel needs to be fostered before the games release so that the community doesn't have to run about like headless chickens getting their ducks in a row after release.
I've noticed a couple of guild recruitment threads pop up and promptly get shut down, and looked up in the stickies on why this is. The sticky in regards to guild recruitment is almost a year old and just links to fansites. I feel that with two months to go before release, this isn't enough.
Another sticky states "In the not-too-distant future, we’ll be launching a fully featured community site – complete with its own forums...." This was around a year and a half ago, and with two months to go before release, it not being here isn't enough. We're past the point of a "not-too-distant future", the games release itself is now at that point.
I had to google search just to find this forum, it doesn't even get a single mention on the current ESO website.
So when is this community site going to come to fruition? When are we going to get a forum that is a part of the official site complete with it's own (much needed at this point, IMO) subforums for things like guilds and their cultivation?
The clock is ticking Bethesda, that deadline is closing in fast. You have less than 60 days and all we have in terms of official community support is this singular out of the way forum.
Am I the only one who finds this concerning?