There are two locations in Vivec - Hlaalu Records and Redoran Records - that are supposed to keep records for their respective Houses. If you actually look at the record books, they are all in-game books - dozens and dozens of them. Especially if you have some book jacket mod (like Better Books - and why shouldn't you?) this is immersion breaking.
So for those two cells, I replaced almost all the game books with five or so different version of generic record books for each house. Reading them gives you something like:
[These are official records, ledgers, and documents for House Hlaalu. And of absolutely no use to you.]
[These are official records and documents for House Redoran. Dusty, dull, and useless to you.]
No quests use the replaced books, and there were no skill books in either cell, so it should have no impact on gameplay. I created this mod originally for incorporation in MTA_version4 for Midgetalien, so don't use this if using that mod. Otherwise I don't think there will be any mod conflicts.
That's it - no new quests or changes to anything besides the books in those two cells. The only point to the changes are to make things a little more lore friendly and immersive.
It's on Morrowind Nexus now: