I'm not new to Skyrim, but I am to MMORPG. What happens when your character dies? Is dead permanent and you have to start all over with a new character? Or, like in Skyrim, do you go to the last save point?
I'm not new to Skyrim, but I am to MMORPG. What happens when your character dies? Is dead permanent and you have to start all over with a new character? Or, like in Skyrim, do you go to the last save point?
you can respawn where you die at for a soul thingy, or spawn at a GY
expanding on this..
When you die you have the option to resurrect at your current position using up a soul charge (from a collected soul contained within a soulgem). If you don't have any charges/soulgems then you'll resurrect at the graveyard or nearest wayshrine iirc.
Thanks so much for the answers. I just couldn't imagine having to start from ground zero.