Hows the weather ?
I have friends that live in South Florida. They hate the culture, are miserably hot all summer, and spend a fortune cooling their house. Grass is greener?
That said, yeah, [censored] this winter.
This winter has been freaking hell.
I'm gonna move to the Australia if this keeps up..heard it's hot as hell out there.
I got me some warm clothes, so I'm set! I got a winter jacket, comfy gloves and my furry ear hat so I'm set
I've been through worse winters in my life, but this one is definitely one of the most annoying in years. The temperature has constantly ranged between -5 to 10 degrees and I got buried in two feet of snow overnight.
However, I've lived in Florida before, and that's a year of my life I want back. I hate everything about that [censored] state.
The coldest winter I can remember was in got down to -27F here in Chicago. I was a kid, but I remember being bummed out about being stuck inside when there was no school.
I'm with the OP. Winter needs to GI. I'm sick of the damn snow. I don't fret my heating bill though as I don't have one. I haven't bought home heating oil in five seasons and I ripped all the baseboard put of the house. I heat my house with good American anthracite.
I don't have a problem with winter. It's easier to stay warm than it is to keep cool in the summer.
I honestly like the cold more so than the heat. Living in South Carolina however, I suppose I don't know what truly is "cold". Snow is a rare thing in these parts, although we've gotten some recently, but it just turned into some slippery ice. Made me fall on my ass while trying to take the dogs out. Thing is though, I actually enjoyed it. Love the cold crisp air and the refreshing breeze of wind. It's the heat that I can't stand, and one would think I've adjusted myself to it living in the south. The constant sweating is uncomfortable and it's always like that no matter how many fans you've got going.
It feels much better to warm yourself up after being out in the cold then it does struggling to keep cool in constant heat.
My parents always told me it was the winter of '83-'84 here in Chicago that was the really bad one. Although my mother had just given birth to me, so I sure don't remember it.
This has certainly been one of the coldest and snowiest winters I can recall, but I don't see the point in complaining about it. Its winter, its supposed to be cold and snowy. If anything it makes me appreciate the warmer weather when it finally does arrive.
Yep, they had some really cold days too:
What's the point of complaining about anything?
Anyway, yeah, winter is cold, but when it gets this cold and snows this often it makes life difficult (and even dangerous) if you have things that you absolutely have to do everyday. Cars don't start, traffic gets worse (my usual 20 minute commute has gotten up to 1 - 1.5 hours multiple times this winter), unforeseen incidents can result in getting stranded in dangerously cold weather, and all sorts of other nasty things. It makes life a lot more difficult the more things you're responsible for that can be affected by the weather. A pipe froze and broke in my office building a few weeks ago and we had to gut several rooms (including a room full of servers...LOTS of work) because we weren't sure how high the water levels would get. The water was already nearly to the threshold of our back door to the loading dock (roughly 5.5 feet) by the time the fire department finally came and cut/capped the pipe. That's just one example...not to mention having to worry about my wife driving 50 miles back and forth to her mother's house with our infant several times per week.
It's not just the cold - it's the effects of the cold and snow. If it were just a matter of wearing warmer clothes I wouldn't care, but this winter has been a lot of work and added a lot of additional stress for me due to its side-effects.
(couldn't resist I just saw this the 1st time the other night)
you shut your mouth, this whole winter has been in the freakin' EIGHTIES, I hate the heat, especially when it's HOT IN WINTER. Give me some of your cold, Old Man Winter, come on down, we'd love a bit of winter in, you know, winter-time?
that said though I do apologize for the financial inconvenience it imposes on you, that does svck, but hey, if you lived where I do you'd basicallyt be spending the same amount on air-conditioning so, you know, I guess the grass is greener?